A few nice China machining in china images I found:
Image from page 171 of “Peking : a social survey conducted under auspices of the Princeton University Center in China and the Peking Young Men’s Christian Association” (1921)

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Identifier: cu31924023436193
Title: Peking : a social survey conducted under auspices of the Princeton University Center in China and the Peking Young Men’s Christian Association
Year: 1921 (1920s)
Authors: Gamble, Sidney D. (Sidney David), 1890-1968 Burgess, John Stewart, b. 1883 Princeton University Center in China Young Men’s Christian Association (Beijing, China)
Subjects: Social surveys
Publisher: New York : George H. Doran Co.
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Text Appearing Before Image:
SPREADING IDEAS AMONG THE COMMON PEOPLE. Peking Model Lecture Hall. One o£ thirteen in the city. The average dailyattendance at these halls is over 1,000.
Text Appearing After Image:
INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION, NATIONAL TEACHERS COLLEGE, THE MACHINE SHOP. The students learn to use modern machinery as well as the ordinary simpleChinese tools. China can well be proud of the fact that in eleven years01905-1916) she has developed an educational system for four and a quartermillion students.
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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability – coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Quarters Only – New York

Image by Sprengben [why not get a friend]
If you have been to New York you’ll know them. The quarter machines! Actually I haven’t used them. As a photographer you take your Zoom lens with you. It helps a lot and you save money 🙂
I edited the photo in a vintage way. Somehow this machine reminds me of all those black and with movies. Maybe you fell the same if you see these machines.
By the way in the Background you can see the Empire State Building.
I wish a great Sunday to all of you.
Leave comment, favs, kisses, whatever you like 🙂
P.S. Does any of you know the slang name for this machine?
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Image by dno1967b