Some cool wire cutting images:
Image from web page 47 of “Perspective and geometrical drawing adapted to the use of candidates for second and third-class teachers’ certificates” (1887)

Image by World wide web Archive Book Photos
Identifier: perspectivegeome01mcgu
Title: Perspective and geometrical drawing adapted to the use of candidates for second and third-class teachers’ certificates
Year: 1887 (1880s)
Authors: McGuirl, Thomas H. [from old catalog]
Subjects: Geometrical drawing Viewpoint
Publisher: Toronto, W. Briggs
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m it j close to angle two to left. Draw B.L. and H.L. as before, find M. Take K two to leftof X, and G two to left of K bisect GK in H j draw GR, HSand KT at right angles to B.L., and b in length join RST.Take TP 3, and with centre T and distance TP describe arcPN, cutting HS in N : join KT and KR : KRT will be theplan of the triangle. Via N draw UNQ parallel to RT, cutting GR in Uand KT in Q with centre K and distance KQ describe arcQL, cutting B.L. in L and with same centre and distanceKT describe arc TY, cutting B.L. in Y. Join G C.Y.,H C.Y. and K C.Y. and join also LM and Y]I to cutK C.Y. in E and C. Via E draw EAF, and throughC draw CDB, every single parallel to B.L., and cutting H C.Y. in Aand D respectively join BA and AC : then ABC will be thetriangle required. For CK = KY = KT = 5, and EC = LA =QT = NS = height of triangle, and EK = KL==KQ. HenceAD = NS and AH = HN. But because triangle is isosceles, GHis produced equal to HK hence BD = DC = GH = HK, then CA= NT = NR = BA. (Fig. 23.)
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Instance S,—Draw an equilateral triangle, every side four, oneside on ground plane parallel to L.D. triangle placed _|_ toground plane and touching P.P. three to proper. Draw H.L., B.L. and L.D., and find M. Take point D 3to R., and B 3^ to correct of D on DB describe the equilateraltriangle DGB. Bisect DB in E, join EG through G drawFH parallel to B.L., and via D, B draw DF, BH parallelto EG, cutting FH in F, H. Join B C.V., draw EM, DM,cutting B C. Y. in N and A. With centre B and distance BHdescribe arc HK, cutting BK, a perpendicular on B.L., at K THE TRIANGLE. 43 join K C.Y. Through A and N draw parallels to BK, meet-ing K C.Y. in L and C join AC, CB. Then ABC is thetriangle essential. For LA = CIvT = KB = BH = EG = altitudeof the triangle and AN = NB = DE = EB, and AB = DB =
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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned web page photos that might have been digitally enhanced for readability – coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original function.
Image from web page 18 of “The geometric: a method of cutting garments for ladies and gentlemen on geometrical lines and principles” (1900)

Image by Internet Archive Book Images
Identifier: geometricsystemo00deni
Title: The geometric: a technique of cutting garments for ladies and gentlemen on geometrical lines and principles
Year: 1900 (1900s)
Authors: Denieffe, Joseph. [from old catalog]
Subjects: Tailoring
Publisher: Chicago, Ill.
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page photos that might have been digitally enhanced for readability – coloration and look of these illustrations could not completely resemble the original operate.