Some cool machining organization photos:
Image from page 112 of “List of parts : machines nos. 44-1 to 44-3, 44-eight, 44-9, 44-13, 44-17, 44-20, 44-22 to 44-24, 44-28, 44-29, 44-72, 44-74, 44-75.” (1922)

Image by Net Archive Book Images
Identifier: listofpartsmachi00sing
Title: List of parts : machines nos. 44-1 to 44-3, 44-eight, 44-9, 44-13, 44-17, 44-20, 44-22 to 44-24, 44-28, 44-29, 44-72, 44-74, 44-75.
Year: 1922 (1920s)
Authors: Singer Manufacturing Company.
Subjects: Singer Manufacturing Organization–Catalogs. Sewing machines–Catalogs.
Publisher: New York? : Singer Manufacturing Co.
Contributing Library: Rutgers University Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation
View Book Page: Book Viewer
About This Book: Catalog Entry
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of arm) 52454 5842 Retainer 50429c Set Screw . 24097 1341 Take-up Crank 1037c 1341 « « Position Screw… 1036c 1341 « Set Screw 4307725 E20060225f 2102 1560c325724394412398123293257450327c44141 823824984 108 Parts FOR MACHINE No. 44-29 NO. PLATE NAME 24068 1341 Thread Take-up Lever 12166 773 Hinge Pin 24099 1341 Hyperlink 11204 770 Hinge Pin… 435c 5806 Set Screw 24070 Thread Take-up Lever full, Nos. 12166, 24068 and 24099 24071 1343 Thread Take-up Spring 7336 772 Regulator 448c 783 Set Screw 20123 1266 Throat Plate for 20115, 20116, 20137, 20163 and 20164 Note : No. 20123 is sent with this Machine unlessanother Throat Plate is specified on order. 69lF 782 Throat Plate Screw 24079 2644 Drip Pan with 4 1 in. wire nails SPOOL HOLDER Disc) 26763 1352 Bracket with 219f and 287d 219f 774 Screw 287d 2636 Thumb Screw 19066 1352 Spindle 19067 1352 Thread Guiding Disc 691p 782 Screw 26764 1352 Spool Holder (disc) total, Nos. 691f, 19066, 19067 and 26763 109 LIST OF Components Total FOR
Text Appearing After Image:
MACHINE No. 44-72 FOR BINDING CORSETS AND OTHER ARTICLES ALSO FORSTITCHING Work OF UNEVEN THICKNESS OR HAVINGADHESIVE SURFACES. HAS Optimistic UPPER AND UNDERFEEDING MECHANISM AND ALTERNATING PRESSERS. NO. PLATE NAME *24469 Arm with 11104 8582 773 Dowel Pin 12453 773 Oil Tube, for intermediate bearing. . 12454 773 with 29599, for oiling 1240911119 773 12408 and 19365 24131 2014 Arm Oil Tube with 29599, for oiling 20283 29599 2014 Packing (felt) 748e 782 Sere A- (back) 868e 1366 (front) 16511 1349 Shaft *11104 Bushing (front) 12357 767 Flanged Bushing (back) 110 Parts FOR MACHINE No. 44-72 NO. : PLATE 448c 783 144d 782 12193 2004 286 D 783 12403 772 11241 2003 24296 1348 24297 1340 210d 1343 448c 783 *24470 20197 1350 *20198 896E 773 908c 773 1619E 773 19354 19355 1311 219d 774 44181 12150 773 12152 773 2827 773 8505 773 12368 767 313c 783 56813 1519J 783 24471 2688 19367 1313 199d 1312 219d 774 3033 770 375c 782 1518E 783 24344 1267 208e 782 20283 1:^five 446c 783 24036 1340 20284 1350 NA
Note About Photos
Please note that these photos are extracted from scanned page pictures that may have been digitally enhanced for readability – coloration and appearance of these illustrations might not perfectly resemble the original work.
An Sector Epoch

Image by Tobias Higbie
"Changing the Performs in Ford Staff to 5-Day Movements." The Labor Age, February 1927, p. 1.
"Nothing speaks more eloquently of the ‘new era’ facing the unorganized than the above cartoon, from the Automobile quantity of LIFE. Speed-up has reached the sublime state where it has turn into ridiculous. Humourous weeklies have to strain their imaginations but small to get a hearty laugh at the mechanical guys produced by Ford, et al."
Image from page 59 of “List of components : machines nos. 44-1 to 44-three, 44-8, 44-9, 44-13, 44-17, 44-20, 44-22 to 44-24, 44-28, 44-29, 44-72, 44-74, 44-75.” (1922)

Image by Net Archive Book Pictures
Identifier: listofpartsmachi00sing
Title: List of parts : machines nos. 44-1 to 44-3, 44-8, 44-9, 44-13, 44-17, 44-20, 44-22 to 44-24, 44-28, 44-29, 44-72, 44-74, 44-75.
Year: 1922 (1920s)
Authors: Singer Manufacturing Company.
Subjects: Singer Manufacturing Business–Catalogs. Sewing machines–Catalogs.
Publisher: New York? : Singer Manufacturing Co.
Contributing Library: Rutgers University Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation
View Book Web page: Book Viewer
About This Book: Catalog Entry
View All Photos: All Images From Book
Click right here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book.
Text Appearing Prior to Image:
777 big needle hole, for 12450 and 20348 12451 -—• Throat Plate, little needle hole, for 12450 and 20348 19497 1261 Throat Plate, large needle hole, for 2011719405 modest needle hole, for 20117 19409 massive needle hole, for 20138 and 20162 19410 1263 Throat Plate, little needle hole, for 20138 and 20162 19412 1260 Throat Plate, huge needle hole, for 20147 and 44177 19413 Throat Plate, tiny needle hole, for 20147 and 44177 19415 1262 Throat Plate, massive needle hole, for 20151 and 44144 19416 Throat Plate, modest needle hole, for 20151 and 44144 19418 1262 Throat Plate, big needle hole, for 20158 and 44156 19419 Throat Plate, little needle hole, for 20158 and 44156 20107 1259 Throat Plate, tiny needle hole, for 20106 Components FOR MACHINE No. 44-13 55 NO. PLATE NAME 20120 1259 Throat Plate, massive oblong needle hole, for20119 20187 Throat Plate, small oblong needle hole, for 20119 691f 782 Throat Plate Screw 24079 2644 Drip Pan with 4 1 in. wire nails.- 56 LIST OF Parts Complete FOR
Text Appearing Right after Image:
MACHINE No. 44-17 FOR COLLARS AND CUFFS. THROAT PLATE FLUSHWITH BED. DROP FEED. NO. PLATE NAME *16501 A] 773 773 -m with 11104 8582 * Dowel Pin 12453 Oil Tube, for intermediate bearing.. 12454 773 with 29599, for oiling 12409 11119 773 12408 24131 2014 < « 20283 29599 2014 782 Packing (felt) 748E Screw (back) 868e 1366 (front) 16511 1349 < Shaft *11104 Bushing (front) 12357 767 Flanged Bushing (back) 448c 783 SetScrew Components FOR MACHINE No. 44-lV 57 NO. PLATE NAME 144d 782 Arm Shaft Screw 12480 767 Side Cap 219d 774 Screw 12193 2004 Cover 286d 783 Thumbscrew 12403 772 Spool Pin and Thread Eyelet 11241 2003 Washer (cloth) 24296 1348 Balance Wheel (power) hght rim, 2 A in. pulley, with two 448c 24297 1340 Balance Wheel Oil Cover 210d 1343 Screw 448c 783 Set Screw *16503 Bed 20197 1350 Crank Connecting Rod with 20198 and two 896e *20198 Crank Connecting Rod Cap 896e 773 Screw 908c 773 Hinge Screw 1619E 773 Nut. 20057 Face Plate 20058 1340 Face Plate comprehensive, Nos. 2827,12150 and 20
Note About Pictures
Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page photos that could have been digitally enhanced for readability – coloration and appearance of these illustrations may possibly not perfectly resemble the original function.