Santa’s 12th Nutcracker Regiment marching to Molotov’s from the Castro

Verify out these precision grinding services pictures:

Santa’s 12th Nutcracker Regiment marching to Molotov’s from the Castro

Image by Steve Rhodes…

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photos from earlier years

Santa’s 12th Nutcracker Regiment marching to Molotov’s from the Castro

Image by Steve Rhodes…

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Santa’s 12th Nutcracker Regiment marching to Molotov’s from the Castro

Image by Steve Rhodes…

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photographs from earlier years

Cool Gear Grinding images

Check out these gear grinding photos:

Image from web page 665 of “Electric railway overview” (1906)

Image by Web Archive Book Images
Identifier: electricrailwayr18amer
Title: Electric railway review
Year: 1906 (1900s)
Authors: American Street and Interurban Railway Association
Subjects: Street-railroads Electric railroads
Publisher: Chicago : Wilson Co
Contributing Library: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation

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Is considerably lighter than the regulartype-C brake of the identical gear ratio of which it is a modifica-tion. The brake has been on the industry less than a month. TITAN GEARS. The material composing the Titan gears manufactured bythe Atha Steel Casting Firm, of Newark, N. J., is so tough that it cannot be reduce by anytool steel however-known. Allfinished surfaces, such asteeth and hub-fit, are ac-curately ground to tem-plates. Despite the fact that the ma-terial is hard, it is notbrittle on the contrary itis so difficult that test pieceshave been bent coldthrough an angle of 180degrees with out showingfracture. The gear is madesolid with the teeth castin, then a special machinegrinds the periphery of theteeth to the correct di-ameter. An additional machinegrinds each and every tooth to themaster, whilst nevertheless one more machine grinds out the hub-match and faces both sides. A gray iron or soft steel hub is thenpressed in at a pressure of 35 to 4.five tons per square inch,and is bored out to the proper size for forcing on the axle.

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Titan Gear. When arrangements have been getting produced for the Louisianapurchase exposition, held in St. Louis, Mo., in 1904, a specialcommittee was appointed to contemplate the question of streetpaving. Soon after an exhaustive investigation Bitulithic wasselected for Lindell boulevard, the primary thoroughfare whichled to the principal entrance to the exposition. The wisdomof this specific committee later was indicated by the superiorjury of awards, which granted to Bitulithic the gold medalas the nearest method to the perfect pavement. The James-town boulevard commission also chosen Bitulithic above allothers for the boulevard to the Jamestown, (Va.), expositiongrounds. A rail bond with a conductivity of two-thirds that of therail is obtained only below exceptional circumstances, but arail bond of such conductivity that the drop of possible acrosstwo feet of bonded rail is significantly less than the drop of potentialacross two feet of strong rail would surely seem to be theideal bond. Harold P. Brown, 120 Libe

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Image from page 463 of “Farm machinery and farm motors” (1908)

Image by Internet Archive Book Images
Identifier: farmmachineryfar00davi
Title: Farm machinery and farm motors
Year: 1908 (1900s)
Authors: Davidson, Jay Brownlee Chase, Leon Wilson
Subjects: Agricultural machinery
Publisher: New York, O. Judd firm [and so forth., and so on.]
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation

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turn will propel the drivewheels. But if the drivewheel attached to pinion Ghappens to travel more rapidly thanthat attached to shaft F the^^^^. , pinion C will revolve and ^9^^EB^^^£.^^SJliL ^^^^^ ^^^ pinion A will propel^^^^S»^BSi^rtF«»c the gearing. Usually there are some quite serious jerks onthe transmission gearing ofan engine and some com-panies are now inserting intheir compensating gears aset of springs which take this jar off the gearing. 590. Traction.—Any traction engine has power enoughto propel itself over the road and by way of the fields pro-vided the drive wheels do not slip. Consequently thematter of the wheels adhering to the ground is an im-portant portion. Where the road surface is firm there is nodifficulty but in a soft field excellent problems is experienceddue to the reality that the lugs of the drive wheels tear upthe earth and let the drive wheels to move withoutmoving the engine. It is a widespread belief that the driv^ewheel which has the sharpest lug is the one particular which will

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FIG- 335—COMPENSATING GEARS 452 FARM MOTORS adhere to the ground the very best. In almost all instances thisis not accurate, given that the lug which is sharp is quite apt to cutthrough the earth, even though one particular which is dull or round anddoes not have such penetrating impact will pack the earthdown and therefore make a lot more resistance for itself whilepassing via the earth. Practically each engine builderhas a style of lug of his personal. Fig. 338 shows a newstyle of traction wheel which seems to be giving verygood results. The far more weight that can be place on tothe drive wheels of an engine the better it will adhereto the ground, offering the surface is firm enough tosupport the load. This makes the matter of location of the principal axles upon theboiler an critical issue.When the boiler is rear-mounted it is obvious thatmore of the weight isthrown upon the frontwheels, which act as aguide, than when thePjg ^,g boiler is side-mounted. Hence one particular would be led tobelieve that the side-mounted traction engine will havebetter

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Hurco Organizations, Inc. (hurc) Raises Dividend to $.08 Per Share

Hurco Businesses, Inc. (hurc) Raises Dividend to Modest Industrial Units at Chennai Turn to Migrants for Skilled Labour
With a large portion of the native population seeking at much more lucrative opportunities now obtainable in the auto-manufacturing belt around Sriperumbudur and Oragadam, smaller industrial units have turned to migrant labour to fill the gap. “Most people …
Read much more on The New Indian Express

.08 Per Share

Hurco Companies logo Hurco Organizations, Inc. (NASDAQ:hurc) announced a quarterly dividend on Monday, November 16th, Analyst Ratings reports. Stockholders of record on Wednesday, December 30th will be paid a dividend of .08 per&nbsp…
Read more on Dakota Monetary News

Mabry Mill Wheel Turning

Check out these milling and turning pictures:

Mabry Mill Wheel Turning

Image by BlueRidgeKitties
This is anything I hadn’t observed yet: The waterwheel on the mill is turning again! This summer time, funding from the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation allowed the National Park Service to restore the wheel, replace the supports and dredge the pond, which had overgrown with vegetation. It takes a little even though for the wheel buckets to collect enough water to make a turn, so it only does this every few minutes.

CNC Options: Wire EDM Upkeep

CNC Solutions: Wire EDM Maintenance
EDM Upkeep On a wire EDM machine each the mechanical elements that drive and apply tension to the machining wire and the electrical components that provide precise power to this wire for the duration of machining should perform together for optimum outcomes.
Read a lot more on Canadian Metalworking (weblog)

Sinker EDM Machines balance power, speed, and precision.
Every EDNC-Series machine is equipped with the new Hyper-i control method, which is the exact same method utilized on Makino&#39s wire EDM merchandise, signifying a standardization of Makino&#39s EDM machine controls. Hyper-i improves productivity by streamlining and&nbsp…
Study a lot more on ThomasNet News (press release) (weblog)

Good Edm Milling photographs

Some cool edm milling pictures:

Image from page 275 of “Annals of the South African Museum. Annale van die Suid-Afrikaanse Museum” (1898)

Image by Web Archive Book Pictures
Identifier: annalsofsouthafr100sout
Title: Annals of the South African Museum. Annale van die Suid-Afrikaanse Museum
Year: 1898 (1890s)
Authors: South African Museum
Publisher: Cape Town [and so on.] The Museu
Contributing Library: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr Library

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STOLONIFEROUS OCTOCORALS AND SOFT CORALS (COELENTERATA, ANTHOZOA) ByGARY C. WILLIAMS Cape Town Kaapstad The ANNALS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN MUSEUM are issued in components at irregular intervals as materialbecomes obtainable Obtainable from the South African Museum, P.O. Box 61, Cape Town 8000 Die ANNALE VAN DIE SUTD-AFRIKAANSE MUSEUM word uitgegee in dele op ongereelde tye na gelang van diebeskikbaarheid van stof Verkrygbaar van die Suid-Afrikaanse Museum, Posbus 61, Kaapstad 8000 OUT OF PRINT/UIT DRUK 1, two(1-three, 5-eight), three(1-2, 4-five, eight, t.-p.i.), 5(1-3, five, 7-9), 6(1, t.-p.i.), 7(1-four), 8, 9(1-2, 7), ten(1-3), 11(1-two, 5, 7, t.-p.i.), 14(1-2), 15(four-5), 24(2, 5), 27, 31(1-3), 32(five), 33, 36(2), 43(1), 45(1), 67(five), 84(2) Copyright enquiries to the South African MuseumKopieregnavrae aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Museum ISBN 86813 127 X Printed in South Africa byThe Rustica Press, Pty., Ltd.,Old Mill Road, Ndabeni, Cape In Suid-Afrika gedruk deurDie Rustica-pers, Edms., Bpk.,Old Mill-weg, Ndabeni, Kaap D1027

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Fig. 1. Living soft corals of southern Africa. A. Alcyonium variabile (Thomson, 1921)(Alcyoniidae) purple and orange colour morphs. B. Alcyonium fauri Thomson, 1910(Alcyoniidae) purple and orange colour morphs. C. Malacacanthus capensis (Hickson,1900) (Alcyoniidae). D. Anthelia sp. (Xeniidae). E. Alcyonium valdiviae Kiikenthal, 1906(Alcyoniidae). F. Alcyonium planiceps Williams, 1986a (Alcyoniidae). G. Pieterfaureakhoisaniana (Williams, 1988) (Nidaliidae). H. Capnella thyrsoidea (Verrill, 1865)(Nephtheidae). I. Capnella thyrsoidea and Alcyonium fauri (white morph). THE ALCYONACEA OF SOUTHERN AFRICA. STOLONIFEROUS OCTOCORALS AND SOFT CORALS (COELENTERATA, ANTHOZOA) ByGary C. Williams* Division of Marine Biology, South African Museum and Division of Zoology, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch (With 45 figures and 1 table) [MS accepted 28 July 1989] ABSTRACT Of the eleven families of stoloniferous octocorals and soft corals recognized worldwide,seven are represented in southern Af

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Image from web page 66 of “Annals of the South African Museum. Annale van die Suid-Afrikaanse Museum” (1898)

Image by Internet Archive Book Images
Identifier: annalsofsouthafr100sout
Title: Annals of the South African Museum. Annale van die Suid-Afrikaanse Museum
Year: 1898 (1890s)
Authors: South African Museum
Publisher: Cape Town [and so on.] The Museu
Contributing Library: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr Library

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3): one hundred-140. Fischer, P. H., Duval, M. &amp Raffy, A. 1933. Etudes sur les echanges respiratoires des littorines. Archives de zoologie experimentale et generate 74 (33): 627-634.Kohn, A. J. 1960a. Ecological notes on Conus (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in the Trincomalee area of Ceylon. Annals and Magazine of Organic History (13) 2 (17): 309-320.Kohn, A. J. 19606. Spawning behaviour, egg masses and larval development in Conus from the Indian Ocean. Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection, Yale University 17 (four): 1-51.Thiele, J. 1910. Mollusca. B. Polyplacophora, Gastropoda marina, Bivalvia. In: Schultze, L. Zoologische und anthro- pologische Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise im westlichen und zentralen Siid-Afrika ausgefuhrt in den Jahren 1903-1905 four (15). Denkschriften der medizinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena 16: 269-270. (continued inside back cover) ANNALS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN MUSEUMANNALE VAN DIE SUID-AFRIKAANSE MUSEUM Volume 100 BandMay 1992 MeiPart 2 Deel

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THE BASKETWORK OF SOUTHERN AFRICA Component I Technologies ByE. M. SHAW Cape Town Kaapstad The ANNALS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN MUSEUM are issued in parts at irregular intervals as materialbecomes offered Obtainable from the South African Museum, P.O. Box 61, Cape Town 8000 Die ANNALE VAN DIE SUID-AFRIKAANSE MUSEUM word uitgegee in dele op ongereelde tye na gelang van diebeskikbaarheid van stof Verkrygbaar van die Suid-Afrikaanse Museum, Posbus 61, Kaapstad 8000 OUT OF PRINT/UIT DRUK 1, two(1-3, 5-8), 3(1-two, four-five, 8, t.-p.i.), five(1-three, 5, 7-9), 6(1, t.-p.i.), 7(1-4), eight, 9(1-two, 7), 10(1-three), 11(1-2, 5, 7, t.-p.i.), 14(1-two), 15(four-five), 24(two, 5), 27, 31(1-three), 32(five), 33, 36(2), 43(1), 45(1), 67(5), 84(2) Copyright enquiries to the South African MuseumKopieregnavrae aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Museum ISBN 86813 125 three Printed in South Africa byThe Rustica Press, Pty., Ltd.,Old Mill Road, Ndabeni, Cape In Suid-Afrika gedruk deurDie Rustica-pers, Edms., Bpk.,Old Mill-weg, Ndabeni, Kaap D839 THE BASKETWORK OF SOU

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Nice Edm Machining images

Some cool edm machining photos:


Image by Iron Man Records

June 23rd 2008 sees the re-release of a salvo of Orb albums via Universal Catalogue. All 4 albums, Pomme Fritz, Orbus Terrarum, Orblivion &amp Cydonia had been all originally released on Island Records.

All four albums come as two-CD packages and contain completely re-mastered versions of the original albums, deluxe, expanded packaging with sleeve notes from Kris Requirements plus rare and previously unreleased mixes from the period of the original album releases.

Released in July 1994, Pomme Fritz was the bands 1st album for Island Records getting released their initial two albums for Massive Life. By now something of a ‘household name’ thanks to the accomplishment of 2nd album U.F.Orb, Pomme Fritz, sub-titled The Orb’s Little Album, came as some thing of a shock to fans and critics alike. At 41 minutes it was, in Orb terms, one thing of a sprint and following the practically ‘pop’ sensibility of tracks such as Perpetual Dawn &amp Small Fluffy Clouds the disjointed, dissonance of Pomme Fritz was at odds to what had gone before, yet with hindsight Orb leader Alex Paterson see the album in terms of wiping the slate clean in order to commence again.

1995 saw the release of Orbus Terrarum, an album many Orb officianados see as one thing of a lost classic. The final album to function Kris ‘Thrash’ Weston (who would be replaced with Andy Hughes), it nonetheless baffled a lot of UK critics who were, at the time, in thrall to the prevailing flavour du jour of Britpop, but it proved to be the bands greatest achievement in the U.S. Far more organic and straight-forward than its predecessor only one particular single, Oxbox Lakes was lifted from the album.

two years later in 1996 and the Orb would return with Orbilivion, an album that would see them return to the industrial accomplishment they had accomplished with their first two albums and spawn what was to be their biggest single to date. Now primarily Paterson &amp Hughes, the Orb scored their 1st leading 5 single with Toxygene the very first single to be lifted from the album. Starting life as a rejected remix of the Jean Michel Jarre track Oxygene (turned down as it bore no resemblance to the original) the single reached quantity 4 in January of 1996. The album saw the band re-capture some essential ground as critiques celebrated the long-player as something of a ‘return to form’.

Regardless of the a variety of corporate reshuffles at the Orb’s label, Cydonia, the final album for Island, ultimately emerged in 2001. Recorded in 1999, the album played to the Orb’s strengths. Moments of bass heavy ambience, recalling the heady days of the early 90’s sat alongside ‘pop’ moments such as the 1st single from the album, After More. Soon following its release the band parted organization with the label, following a final ‘greatest hits’ complilation U.F.Off and a legendary show at the Royal Albert Hall.


Basically the brainchild of Alex Paterson, the Orb sprang forth from the punk rock ethos of ‘anything-goes’. Initially functioning with Killing Joke’s Youth and KLF-er Jimmy Cauty and inspired by New York mix-tapes from the likes of Shep Pettibone, the Orb’s initial game plan was to operate outdoors any restrictive notion of genre by utilising anything from dub to punk to abstract electronic bleeps and blips. The mentality, which spawned the Orb, stemmed from having a laugh but being deadly critical about amazing music of whatever strain or period.

With the advent of acid-home in 1988 their ambient workings and DJ sets, which straddled the gaps between the ambience of Eno &amp White Noise, early residence tracks and the wide-screen space of classic dub, saw them much in demand in the capitals nascent club-scene. Delivering back-area entertainment at legendary bashes such as Trancentral and Land of Oz the early incarnation of the Orb soon gained a reputation for anything different in a globe exactly where the four/4 beat ruled supreme.

It wasn’t extended just before their formative concepts produced it to vinyl and early releases such as A Huge Ever Growing Pulsating Brain That Guidelines From The Centre Of The Ultraworld and Little Fluffy Clouds became acclaimed as defining a genre that would be loosely referred to as ‘ambient-house’.

Their debut album, The Orb’s Adventures Beyond The Ultraworld, released in 1991 established them as one particular of the UK’s most innovative and expansive electronic bands a deeply textured album of other-worldly sounds and subtle beats it was broadly hailed as exclusive and very original record.

The following year, 1992, saw the release of arguably their ‘piece de la resistance’ U.F.Orb which saw them actually capture the spirit of the time: rumbling bass heavy moments in dub, dis-jointed snippets of sound, abstract beats and dialogue segments from long-forgotten counter-culture films. It reached number a single upon release, the initial album by a British electronic / dance act to do so and went on to become 1 of the definitive electronic releases of the period.

20-years following acid-home very first exploded it’s simple to overlook how pioneering artists such as the Orb really had been. They took the DIY ethos of punk and fused it with a sense of musical exploration afforded by the explosion of electronic music and created a sound that was special and anything that would spawn a slew of imitators.

Alex would continue to record as the Orb placing out albums that continued to explore beyond the norm and became a a lot in-demand collaborator / remixer functioning with the likes of Primal Scream who all appreciated the pranksters one particular-off, devil-could-care musical skills.

The full tracklisting of the albums are as follows:

Pomme Fritz

Disc 1 (original album)

Pomme Fritz (Meat ‘n’ Veg)

A lot more Gills Much less Fish Cakes

We’re Pastie To Be Grill You

Bang ‘Er ‘N’ Chips

Alles Ist Schoen

His Immortal Logness

Disc 2 (Remixes)

Sausage Tats Mit Gravy (Dom Mix no.1)

Star Twister (Pomme Fritz &amp Apple Sauce Mix)

Potato Fields Of Electric Gliding Blue (Ambient Mix)

Eastern Hot Dogs In Gardens Of Dub (Lx Mix)

Wrapped With Salt &amp Vinegar (Thomas Fehlmann Mix)

Orbus Terrarum

Disc 1 (original album)



Oxbox Lakes

Montagne D’or (Der Gute Berg)

White River Junction


Slug Dub

Disc two (Remixes)

Plateau (All Hands On Deck Mix – 2am)

Slug Dub (Dumpy Dub)

Valley (Mix three Dubby)

White River Junction (Zoom Vinegar Mix)

Oxbox Lakes (Andy’s Space Mix)

Peace Pudding (Occidental)


Disc 1 (original album)

Delta Mk II




Molten Really like

Pi – Portion One particular



Log Of Deadwood


Passing Of Time


Disc 2 (remixes)

Delta Mk II (Enjoy Bites Mix)

Bedouin (The Sheiks Film Mix)

Log Of Deadwood (Implanting Machines Mix)

Secrets (I Really like A Woman In Uniform Mix)

Passing Of Time (Ambient Mix)

Molten Adore (Orbits Of Venus Mix)

S.A.L.T. (Snow Mix)

Toxygene (Kris Needs Up For A Fortnight Mix)

Asylum (Soul Catcher Mix)


Disc 1 (original album)

As soon as More



Turn It Down



A Mile Extended Lump Of Lard


Plum Island

Hamlet Of Kings


Edm – The Blackhole Mix

Thursday’s Keeper


Disc 2 (remixes)

Centuries (Europhen Mix)

Ghostdancing (version)

Hamlet Of Kings (version)

Firestar (Front Bits)

Centuries (Wine, Woman &amp King Mix)

Once Far more (Scourge Of The Earth Mix)

Plum Island (Flat Mix)

Promis (Version)

When A lot more (Bedrock Edit two)

Turn It Down (Lengthy Version)

Terminus (Andy’s Mix)

For additional info get in touch with:
Steve Phillips
Coalition PR 0208 987 0123

this sound burns the machine_edm

Image by 共力社(gon-li she)

The One On The Correct Never ever Operates

A couple of nice engine turning images I identified:

The One On The Proper By no means Operates

Image by boggerthelogger
After a day of each and every train being late due to slightly defective track, leaky pipes, just getting late or employees not turning up on time at least i had a likelihood to get a piccie of this wee beaut! Taken August 2010.

Air-cooled Corvair Motor

Image by OpalMirror
The belt drive pully is in the rear of the engine on the rear-engine Corvair. It’s air cooled by a blower which sits on top of the engine, and a shroud around it. Both sides of the fan belt turn 90 degrees more than tensioners to drive the blower fan. Front and center is a DC generator, carbeuretor is to the the left and distributor to the appropriate.

917K engine, transmission, rear wheelshouses, suitcase holders

Image by wbaiv

3-D Printing Will Disrupt the Globe in Ways We Can Barely Envision

Turning Among Centres

Image by tudedude
Old Myford Lathe

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The rapid advances of the last couple of years mean additive manufacturing is progressing from a niche capability that produces prototypes and costly precise elements to a manufacturing market capable of generating items in big quantities. UPS …
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What Was Volkswagen Considering?
To recognize that behavior, we have to turn to a a lot more pick subset of examples, such as the Air Force brake scandal of 1968, when B. F. Goodrich constructed an aircraft brake that many workers knew would fail. When it was tested at Edwards Air Force Base …
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Decrease Pioneer Valley Career and Technical Education Center opens new machine
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International Industrial Decline Felt by EU Machine Tool Sector

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With job boom, Mayor Freeman sees require for housing
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Henniges appoints interim CEO
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Machining Operate
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