Cool Internal China Grinding images

Cool Internal China Grinding images

Check out these internal grinding images:

Heal-All facebook cover fb banner

Image by canonfather
This little ground herb has grown in several places where we’ve lived. Webmd gives an idea of how it got its name: The herb is ground and used in treatment of: inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis), diarrhea, colic, and stomach upset and irritation (gastroenteritis). It is also used for mouth and throat ulcers, sore throat, and internal bleeding. Some people use self-heal for HIV/AIDS, fever, headache, dizziness, liver disease, and spasm. It is also used to kill germs (as an antiseptic), loosen phlegm (as an expectorant), and tighten and dry skin (as an astringent).

Self-heal contains vitamins C and K, and thiamine. It also contains chemicals called tannins that might help reduce skin swelling (inflammation) and have a drying (astringent) effect on the tissues.

Curious? Me too. Though I have never tried it for any of those things. 🙂

R. Rorty▲P. Engεl . . controvεrsy

Image by jef safi

Outlining a Theory of General Creativity .. on a ‘Pataphysical way
Entropy ≥ Memory . Creativity ²
Entropy ≥ Mimesis . Catharsis ²

Study of the day:

"(…) la distinction de Carnap entre ce qui est interne et ce qui est externe suppose la distinction entre l’analytique et le synthĂ©tique. Après Quine, cette distinction Ă©tant mise Ă  mal, on ne pouvait plus faire usage de celle proposĂ©e par Carnap. On n’avait tout simplement plus le moyen de dĂ©terminer prĂ©cisĂ©ment oĂą situer la frontière entre l’interne et l’externe. (…) Je propose donc, tout simplement, très modestement, que l’on s’occupe dĂ©sormais d’autres distinctions. Rien de plus."

"(…) the Carnap’s distinction between what is internal and what is external assumes the distinction between the analytics and the synthetics. After Quine, this distinction being put to bad, we could not do use of the one proposed by Quine. We simply have no way to determine precisely where the boundary is between the internal and the external. (…) I therefore propose, simply, very modestly, that we deal with other distinctions now. Nothing more."

( Richard Rorty – 2005 – A quoi bon la vĂ©ritĂ© ? controverse avec Pascal Engel )

| . rectO-persO . | . Flickr DNA . | . Darkr . | . E ≥ m.C² . | . MyLastFm . |

Nya slipband för centerless- och planslipning – Coil grinding

Nya slipband för centerless- och planslipning – Coil grinding

A few nice grinding centerless images I found:

Nya slipband för centerless- och planslipning – Coil grinding

Image by saint-gobain abrasives, sweden
Norton lanserar en ny serie slipband främst avsedda för slipning av rör och stångmaterial, stålämnen, plåtmaterial men kan även användas för övriga produktionsapplikationer där jämn avverkning och jämn ytfinhet krävs. De nya slipbanden, som har beteckningen Norton R279, uppges ha lång livslängd och ge snabb avverkning.