A few good higher precision grinding images I identified:
29. cabbages

Image by Jim Surkamp
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Dick Morris and Ambrose Ranson TRT: 15:30
African-American Dick Morris and his "Owner" Ambrose Hite Ranson by Jim Surkamp
civilwarscholars.com/?p=12254 2864 words
1. Title
“Dick” by Main A. R. H. Ranson, Late Key of Artillery, C.S.A.
2. he_was_scullion_in_the_kitchen
3. He_carried_the_wood_and_water
When Dick was a small boy, he was scullion in the kitchen. He carried the wood and water for the cook, and scoured the pots and kettles, and turned the spit when the turkey was roasting, dipping and basting the gravy from the pan. I took him out of the kitchen and place him on the box with me to open gates as I drove about the nation. I quickly identified out
four. he_had_a_liking_for_horses
that he had a liking for horses, and that he took wonderful pride in his promotion, and steadily I worked him up into a coachman.
5. I_taught_how_to_take_care_of_harnesses
I not only taught him to drive, but also had him taught how to take care of harnesses and carriages, and when he grew to manhood gave him the charge of my wife’s carriage and horses. The horses had been beauties, the carriage and harness had been new and bright, and Dick showed his pride in them by maintaining every thing in order, and never turned out without
six. seeing_that_everything_was_bright_and_would_shine
seeing that every thing was vibrant and would shine and glitter in the sun. But the glories
7. Dick
of that time had been passing away from Dick. When the war came the carriage rested in the carriage-home, the horses were taken by the Yankees, and Dick became my servant in the
8. Dick_became_my_servant_in_the_army
army of the South — a gentleman’s gentleman, as he called himself.
He was captured twice with me by Union forces, and each time refused the freedom which his capture gave him. When I discharged him for becoming drunk. Consider! Discharging a slave! It was at Chattanooga, and Dick hung about headquarters for numerous days and was really unhappy. Lastly he came to me with a Bible in his hand and stated, "I want to swear on this that if you will take me back, I will not drink a drop during the war." He took the oath and kept it faithfully to the finish, at Appomattox.
9. When_I_was_captured_at_Rich_Mountain
ten. When_I_was_captured_at_Rich_Mountain
When I was captured at Rich Mountain I was ill, and was sent to the Federal hospital, an immense tent. I had not completely recovered when we evacuated our position, and wandering
11. about_the_mountains_in_the_rain_for_two_days
about the mountains in the rain for two days and two nights without having meals had brought on a relapse. And apart from enduring the exposure, we had forded the river nine occasions in the vain work to keep away from big bodies of the enemy’s troops. The sand got into my boots, and when my socks have been taken off, the skin came off with them. I was a pitiable object. Dick stuck to me. He was totally free now to go exactly where he pleased, but he never left me. He was by my cot all day, kept off the flies from my raw and skinless feet, and did what he could to alleviate my sufferings.
12. At_night_he_crept_below_my_cot_and_took_his_only_rest_on_the_bare_ground.
At night he crept below my cot and took his only rest on the bare ground.
13. When_I_was_nicely_enough_to_go_North_with_Colonel_Pegram
When I was well adequate to go North with Colonel Pegram. I asked Dick what he was going to do, now that he was free. He mentioned that he would go with me.
14. I_will_go_back_to_Miss_Lizzie”_(my wife)
15. I_will_go_back_to_Miss_Lizzie”_(my wife)
When I told him that was impossible, he said, "Well, if I cannot go with you, I will go back to Miss Lizzie" (my wife).
16. I_gave_him_two_hundred_dollars_in_Virginia_Valley_Bank_notes
When he was leaving. I gave him two hundred dollars in Virginia Valley Bank notes (it was just before the days of Confederate income), and he walked two hundred and sixty-three miles by
17. way_of_Staunton — to_my_property_in_the_Valley
way of Staunton 1 hundred and fifty, and down the Valley, a hundred and thirteen — to my residence in the Valley, and gave my wife one particular hundred and ninety-six dollars of the money.
When I was exchanged, Dick joined me and remained with me to the end. He followed me on to
18. the_field_at_the_battle_of_Murfreesboro
the field at the battle of Murfreesboro, against orders, and when I remonstrated he said, "Who’s going to carry you off when you’re killed?" The shells have been skipping over the ground and bursting about us in a lively way, and I was thinking that I was risking two horses.
At final I came upon a tiny drummer-boy shot by means of the body, and place him up in front on Dick’s horse, and sent him to the hospital, and hence got rid of Dick. Dick never ever forgot me. The other officers had servants (hired ones), but with them it was "out of sight, out of mind." They came normally when they were known as, and not usually then.
After a lengthy day’s march, when the wagons and all supplies had been far behind, Dick would come up when we halted for the night, and take my tired horse and leave me a fresh 1. He constantly had in his pocket some morsel of meals, if only a dirty piece of bread, for me.
19. By_the_summer time_of_1864_General_Lee’s_employees_was_camped_on_the_north_bank_of_Appomattox
20. By_the_summer time_of_1864_Common_Lee’s_staff_was_camped_on_the_north_bank_of_Appomattox
By the summer season of 1864 Common Lee’s staff was camped on the north bank of Appomattox, opposite Petersburg. It was a good camping-ground, and for a long time we enjoyed it, but when the leaves fell from the trees, we identified we have been in sight and variety of the enemy’s guns. Ahead of the leaves fell, we located that out. It may possibly have been on details from a deserter, or it may possibly have been our tell-tale smoke, but at any rate,
21. 1_morning_the_enemy_opened_on_us
one morning the enemy opened on us with great power and precision. A shell passed via
22. Colonel_Baldwin’s_tent
Colonel Baldwin’s tent, and he came out with a appear on his face as though some indignity had been presented him. But there was no time for explanations.
The tents of the medical department had been on fire, and there could be no doubt as to the source from which had come the rain of shot and shell which poured in on us, and we lost no time in gaining a position of safety behind some projecting rocks.
23. Dick_was_watering_the_staff_horses_in_the_river
When the firing started, Dick was watering the employees horses in the river, sitting on one particular and holding three by the halter straps. A shell fell in the water near him, and, bursting, threw up a fountain larger than the trees, and one of the horses got loose. We all yelled at Dick to come below shelter and leave the loose horse to comply with, but it was useless. Around and ’round he rode in the river, vainly striving to catch the perverse beast, regardless of the shells flying thick around him, churning the water into foam and covering him with spray.
24. “White_people_gittin’_mighty_careful_of_themselves.”
At final he succeeded, and riding leisurely along by our hiding-spot, we heard him mutter, "White people gittin’ mighty careful of themselves." Throughout the year I was on duty in Tennessee I went to Richmond, taking Dick with me. I had several commissions to execute for the employees.
25. 1_day_I_took_him_buying_with_me
One day I took him shopping with me to carry the a lot of packages. Rates had sophisticated since I was final there, and the income gave out before I had completed my purchases.
26. drew_from_his_pockets_huge_wads_of_Confederate_notes
When Dick saw the scenario, he drew from his pockets big wads of Confederate notes, and laid them on the counter, saying, "There’s plenty of funds." I told him I could not take his income. He exclaimed: "Don’t I belong to you? Don’t my garments, my income, and every little thing I have belong to you? I am surprised at you, I am. If you will not take the funds, the man can have it," and he thrust his hands into his empty pockets, and walking to the door, looked out into the street.
Of course I took enough for my purposes, and, when we reached my quarters, repaid him, and asked him exactly where he got so a lot funds. Oh, he mentioned, that was easy. When last in Richmond,
27. he_had_sold_his_watch_for_two_hundred_dollars
he had sold his watch for two hundred dollars. It had not run for two years for him, but he thought possibly it may possibly run for somebody else. He who bought it was a “fool,” he stated, but "thought he was sensible."
When he got back to the army, Dick invested his funds in eatables. When the army was on
28. bought_something_they_had_in_the_shape_of_food
the march, he visited all the farmhouses along the road, and purchased something they had in
29. cabbages
30. chickens
the shape of meals — apples, potatoes, cabbage, chickens, eggs.
When the column halted, he set up shop by our wagon, and the hungry males purchased him out at any price tag he would ask. When he stated he purchased a barrel of apples for 5 dollars and retailed it out at a lot more than one particular hundred dollars profit. He bought cabbage at ten cents per head and sold it at a single dollar a head. Each and every day on the march he did this, till he was identified in the army as a capitalist with thousands of dollars.
He was really ordinary-looking, short, thickset, strong as an ox black, with short kinky wool, receding forehead, quite small eyes, and a nose so turned up that the nostrils looked like the muzzle of a double-barreled gun. He had one tooth out in front, and when he grinned and his red tongue was thrust into the vacant space of the missing tooth, he was a sight to behold.
A habitual frown wrinkled up his forehead and gave him a forbidding look, but when he smiled, his face lighted up in a fantastic way. Take him altogether, Dick was definitely no beauty, but beneath his ugliness, there was a faithful heart which redeemed him in the eyes of these who knew him. I, for a single, by no means saw his ugliness unless some one particular reminded me of it.
31. Dick_was_a_horse_physician
32. Dick_was_a_horse_physician
In addition to getting a trader, Dick was a horse-doctor, with a big and profitable practice. He cured scratches at ten dollars a head for soldiers, and up to fifty dollars for a basic. When when I was absent from the army Dick was up for stealing. He defended himself, producing, I was told, a quite effective speech.
33. He_mentioned:_”I_do not_steal,_I_never
He said: "I do not steal, I don’t. I has no lead to to steal! I got far more cash than I know what to do with [and he pulled out his wads of it] then what am I going to steal for? I forgot! There is a single point I will steal for — my master’s horses. If the Quartermaster will not give me the feed, then he got to appear out, for I’m going to steal it confident,
and I’ll inform him so to his face [the Quartermaster was on the court}. And I would steal for my master if he necessary it, but he do not need to have it. But I will not steal for myself, ’cause I got no cause to steal. Now I’ve told you the truth, the entire truth, and practically nothing but the truth, so aid me God." And he was acquitted by unanimous vote of the court martial, all of them laughing, and Dick grinning, with his small eyes almost closed, his double-barreled nose leveled at them, and his red tongue protruding via the aperture in his white teeth.
34. When_the_army_surrendered_at_Appomattox
35. there_was_a_"nice_yeller_gal”_he_would_marry
When the army surrendered at Appomattox, Dick asked me if I could spare him till he could go back to Petersburg with Common Lee. He mentioned there was a "nice yeller gal" in Petersburg, and that he would marry her and bring her home with him, so that "Miss Lizzie’ would have somebody to wait on her. He had been taking care of the General’s horse, "Traveler," on the retreat from Petersburg, and of course I told him to go. Common Lee’s servants had deserted throughout the retreat.
About 3 months after I reached residence I had a letter from an officer I had known, telling me that Dick was in Petersburg and wished to come residence, but had no money. The days of Confederate dollar had been more than, and Dick’s thousands would not acquire him a breakfast. I sent the income, and in four days Dick appeared at the farm, minus the wife.
36. He_remained_with_me_about_a_year
He remained with me about a year, but he was but an indifferent hand for a poor man trying to farm. He may have accomplished properly as a coachman, but even that is doubtful, simply because he had taken to drinking once again, and becoming free of charge, I could workout no handle more than him. At final I determined to part with him. One day when he was completely sober I told him I believed we had much better component, that I wished we may possibly do it as close friends, but feared that some day I would shed my temper. He agreed with me, and we parted in the most friendly way.
37. Some_years_following,_I_moved_to_Baltimore
Some years after, I moved to Baltimore, and then saw Dick when a year, when I visited Charlestown on business relating to settling up my father’s estate. On each and every of these visits I saw that Dick was degenerating a lot more and far more.
He was often overjoyed to see me, but insisted on my taking him to Baltimore with me. I explained that I was living in a tiny house and on modest indicates, and there was no space for him, nor anything for him to do, as I had no horses.
38. I_was_walking_across_to_the_courthouse,_when_I_met_Dick
The final time I saw him was in 1885, twenty years right after the finish of the war. I had gone to Charlestown, and right after breakfast the subsequent morning I was walking across to the court-home, when I met Dick in the middle of the street. He rushed at me and, taking me in his arms, lifted me and held me high in the air.
I begged him to put me down — everybody was laughing. He mentioned, "I got you now, and I ain’t going to let you go until you promise to take me back to Baltimore." Of course I could not take him. About a year afterward I heard that he was dead. Poor Dick!
39. Poor_Dick!
Right now in 2014 in the Jefferson County Courthouse deed space, where all the original record
40. there_is_only_one particular_man
books are, there is only 1 man, listed as being black who died in the period from 1885-1889 inclusive. This man listed in the record books died August 9th, 1889 of consumption. He was forty-nine years old. His name was Richard Morris. Poor Dick.
41. Courthouse today