Check out these plastic China machining company images:
Chadwick — Magic Brain Calculator (It was built in Japan) …item 3.. LCSO: Deputies Arrest Man for Stealing Scrap Metal — a total of 5,650 pounds of metal from the fenced lot owned by Grimes. (January 11, 2012) …

Image by marsmet552
The Magic Brain Calculator was a device used many years ago (mabye 1950’s) to solve maths problems. It requires you reset it to all zero’s to begin with and after a bit of practise you can solve many types of mathematical calculations.
Clearing the device is just a matter of pulling the metal bar at the top of the machine and pushing it back in. Calculations of up to 8 digits can be performed such as addition, subtraction and multiplication. There are no details on if this device can divide although I am sure the brainy ones among you could work that out.
The system works by using the stylus to drag the columns of numbers either up or down depending on the calculation you are performing. By doing this, and in the right order the numbers at the top will eventually give you the answer you need.
…….***** All images are copyrighted by their respective authors ……
…..item 1)…. The Magic Brain Calculator …
Perhaps the name of the gadget featured in today’s I Remember JFK memory will ring a bell, perhaps not. But I’ll bet that one glance at the graphic will make you go "Oh, yeah!"
I wish I had my usual researched piece to offer you as far as where the Magic Brain Calculator came from, and its manufacturer, Chadwick. But there just wasn’t a whole lot I could find out. But what little I did glean, I hereby share with you.
A Boomer kid’s options for help in making mathematical calculations on the go in the 50’s and 60’s were pretty few. There were slide rules, which were only for the geeky. My oldest brother, who was in college, had one, but I had no idea how it operated.
Then there was the Addiator, manufactured by Addiator Gesellschaft in Berlin, beginning in 1920. They were sophisticated little hand-held mechanical calculators, but not terribly cheap, and once that nasty Nazi uprising took place, not freely available. But by the time WWII was over, they were back on the market, but still not real cheap.
But in the 1950’s, the Japanese factories began cranking out a low-priced version of the mechanical adding machine. Chadwick was the name of the enigmatic company that manufactured them, and they appear to have slid out of sight without leaving a trace behind.
But they did leave a legacy of thousands of Magic Brain Calculators. Durably made from high-impact plastic and aluminum, probably every one of them still exist in their original form, although many are now buried in landfills, awaiting future archaeological discovery.
The little calculators sold for a couple of bucks in dime stores, and were found in many a Boomer home in the 50’s and 60’s. For that matter, many are still buried in various present-day junk drawers, as they were virtually indestructible, and flat enough to live quietly buried by pens, pencils, and paper clips.
I know that we had one in our house. Seven-year-old I was baffled by its actual usage. Did I mention that math is NOT my strong suit? But that didn’t stop me from enjoying playing with the gizmo for hours nonetheless, inserting numerical values, running mysterious calculations, and pulling the wire handle up to clear everything.
If you too were stumped by how to make the Magic Brain Calculator do addition, subtraction, and even multiplication and division, this site has the original scanned instructions. Very cool!
The sheer indestructibleness of the Magic Brain Calculator, combined with its inobtrusive nature, ensures that many thousands still exist. At presstime, there were several on eBay with .95 opening bids, and one particularly nice model, with stylus intact, was going for .99 with just over a day left.
So if you Boomers still employed in an office want to impress the young punks you work with, pick up a Magic Brain Calculator from eBay, or possibly just dig your own out of the junk drawer. Read the linked instructions and practice making actual calculations, Then, at the next staff meeting, whip out a few figure faster than the youth can get their calculator-equipped cell phones to wake up!
…..item 2)….. … Updated: 8:03 PM Sep 9, 2011 …
Budgeting Your Money
Certified financial planner Bruce Hagan talks about making a budget and sticking to it.
Posted: 6:31 PM Sep 9, 2011
Reporter: Angela Howard
Email Address:
REPORTER: We often hear of the need to create a written budget for our family finances. Exactly what is budgeting and why is it important?
BRUCE: Budgeting is the process of keeping up with where your money goes. It requires you to analyze your current situation, determine your goals, and develop a written plan against which you’ll measure your progress. It’s important because it helps you plan, track, and control the inflow and outflow of your income.
REPORTER: I would think almost everyone budgets to some extent, but do most people actually develop a written plan?
BRUCE: Some people are meticulous about it and others would rather walk through broken glass barefooted than have to take the time to formalize a written plan
REPORTER: Assuming we opt for the former, what are the steps?
BRUCE: The first two steps give you a snapshot of your present financial situation: First you gather all the data that makes up your financial history. Secondly, you use that information to do a cash flow analysis which is simply adding up all sources of income and subtracting all expenses. If you come up with a positive number you’re earning more than you’re spending. If it’s a negative number you need to make some changes to avoid losing more ground financially.
REPORTER: If it’s a positive cash flow is that the end of the process?
BRUCE: No because to the extent you can make cash flow more strongly positive, you’ll be able to save for upcoming needs and investments. Step 3 is to define your financial objectives. Step 4 is to create a spending plan to achieve them. Step 5 is to periodically monitor your progress against the plan and make adjustments as needed. And since life changes, you will need to make adjustments.
Latest Comments
Posted by: dog Location: gone on Sep 10, 2011 at 10:12 AM
This is easy, money in , money out, where it goes, where you can cut. Save. Live with in your means.
…..item 3)…. WCTV News … … Updated: 10:54 AM Jan 11, 2012
LCSO: Deputies Arrest Man for Stealing Scrap Metal
On January 3, 2012, the Leon County Sheriff’s Office responded to 1351 Aenon Church Road, Leon Iron & Metal, after William Grimes discovered a large amount of scrap metal had been stolen from his property in the 4700 block of Capital Circle.
Posted: 10:54 AM Jan 11, 2012
January 11, 2012 –
On January 3, 2012, the Leon County Sheriff’s Office responded to 1351 Aenon Church Road, Leon Iron & Metal, after William Grimes discovered a large amount of scrap metal had been stolen from his property in the 4700 block of Capital Circle. Grimes had located uniquely shaped and sized pieces of metal, including metal brackets that he had custom made.
Deputies were able to determine that the metal had been sold on January 2, 2012 by 32 year old Jerimee Hatcher. By working closely with the staff at Leon Iron & Metal, detectives were able to confirm that Hatcher had stolen a total of 5,650 pounds of metal from the fenced lot owned by Grimes.
On January 10, 2012, detectives were able to locate Hatcher in the 3000 block of Tharpe Street and interview him. Hatcher was taken to the Leon County Jail.

Image by DeeAshley
Even on … Those Days.
There will inevitably be one of, well..,
Those days when you wonder if this is what those T.V. psychiatrists always seem to refer to as "disassociation,’ or perhaps even more accurately, an "acute psychotic breakdown."
Those days that we never expect, yet, incredibly, (unfortunately), virtually all human beings will have one or more of Those days.
Those days when you walk into your office expecting that double chocolate birthday cake.
Yet, much to your utter shock and jaw-dropping, heart-stopping horror, you’re met with dumbfounded stares – blankly and unblinking just like that cute little blond co-worker staring past you (or perhaps, through you?) . . .
She almost appears to be making sounds with her mouth, her big blue eyes appearing to have been holding back oceans now breaking free, although she doesn’t seem to care- or notice – as her corneas are now drowning in a sea of water that might very well be the infinite source of saline – she’s saying something… something… – lay-offs, FBI Interviews, lie detector tests, bankruptcy, and such. You slowly do an uneven 360 degree rotation, feeling the cold clammy pre-vomit symptoms quickly knotting your gut and working diligently and quite efficiently upward toward the diaphragm, and you swallow as hard as you can in hopes of choking back any projectiles – which would sadly consist of this morning’s Sara Lee Fat Free muffin and that and rather healthy dose of quaker’s oatmeal. The accountant comes running toward you as you instinctively take a step backwards, she stops short, wailing something about the end, "This is THE END!!" After her choking sobs were more manageable you were able to make out a little bit…
Something about the CFO embezzling all of the company assets, the investors, the pensions, the retirement, even the petty cash and the quarters unfortunate enough to be left unsupervised in the vending machine, "EVERYTHING!" Her shrieks trail off into whimpers for a moment, but like a tide gathering strength, the choking, hyperventilating, nose running unceremoniously down her pudgy red face, gathers strength once again…
After 15 minutes of careful lipreading, hugging, and firm shoulder shaking, you learn of His last possible sighting: Somewhere near Krakow, Poland; playing Texas Hold Em’ with a group of 8 foot embittered pro-Stalin, ex-soviet military men waiting with baited breath for anyone to provide them the opportunity to work out their personal anger issues with their current political views as well as their new tenured posts guarding the perimeter encompassing a well-known and lovely region most commonly called Chernobyl.
Those Days.
Still in shock staring blankly at the empty road ahead, you receive a phone call. Your son didn’t know that that giant chocolate bunny was bad for the kitty.
Your kitty.
"Mommy? How long do I have to leave this icky red stuff in my hair to make it look like yours? It’s starting to burn…!"
You were just about to ask your little loved one to repeat that last part, when you notice a disturbingly familiar and distinctive sound couple by bright lights that are flashing red and blue.
"What seems to be the problem Officer?"
"80 miles per hour?" "Really?" "In a 40?" (Gasp!) "A School Zone!"
"I’m sorry? What..? Phone?"
"Oh! [insert sheepish giggle] you mean this cell phone?"
"Inspection?" "That’s impossible! It couldn’t have been over a year-" stop. Damn stickers!
"They used to be transparent!"
45 minutes later, clutching 5 crispy new citations so tightly, you notice with no satisfaction that your bitten-to-the-nub nails have been digging some impressive holes through that wretched, foul-smelling carbon paper. The fifth ticket was for insubordination after you tell Officer Pursey what else seems to be a bit puckered as well. Despite his interjections, you were able to also remind him of what a sad excuse for a job he must have, picking on hard-working middle class citizens while there are grown men and women selling crack to kids on the street corners and how could he live with himself???
As you can see, one can never predict one of those days . . .
One must act quickly and decisively and take drastic measures in order to have the slightest chance of maintaining even the most precarious, desperate grip on that sad, thin, weathered thread of sanity remarkably similar to that which you are clawing and grasping for – any shred of mental cohesion to cling to.
First of all, when in a rural environment such as this one, you must scream as loud as you can and bang on your steering wheel until your palms are throbbing. Sometimes it is even necessary to allow the head to slowly find its way onto the steering wheel, resulting in a shrieking noise that may cause the local canines to react in a rather agitated manner, but that’s fine. Just let the horn go, the noise will eventually drown itself out. Next, the helpless exhaustion should naturally give way to a dawning sense of indignation. This will happen rather quickly so prepare yourself to brush away any tears, mascara trails, and beware of any unintended shards of plastics or glass that may have been damaged during the end-of-the-world tantrum.
Thankfully, this horrific despair and painful psychic asphyxiation will rapidly give way to your new friend:
Fury. Rage.
A Seething cauldron of fuck-this-fuck-you-fuck-it-all-don’t-even-think-of-cutting-me-off-because-i-will-bludgeon-you-with-these-q-tips kind of all-consuming anger that flows hot and fast through your entire body. That 230 pound trucker that had intended on China cutting you off takes one look into that cold empty stare and instinctively knows that this is one of those times when concessions are in order.
And Here, ladies and gentlemen, a photo is born. Who knew what that Toyota 4-cylinder hybrid sedan was really capable of until now? Although you may still be mostly(?) lucid, you’ve lost just enough of that annoying trait commonly referred to by the layperson as, "good judgement."
Before you know it, those Angus Cows are merely blurs in your peripheral, adrenaline-filled darting glances, you note an odd sensation that is reminiscent to barreling down those hilltops on your mother’s best cookie sheet after the first snow as a child. Ah, yes, that is the hydroplaning. No matter, friction is overrated.
What better way to salvage what’s left of this wretched, god-forsaken, nail-in-the-head, day than this?
You should have thought of this before!
What the hell, may as well take a picture. It could turn out kinda cool.
*No cows, children, CFO’s, accountants, vending machines, felines, Toyotas, or law enforcement officials were actually harmed in the making of this photo. This sad day and its unfortunate series of events are entirely fictional, although there can be no guarantees as to the psychological wellness of the prefrontal cortex responsible for the creation of said events.*
Woman’s Day Magazine (October 1945) … JEWLARIOUS – Keeping it Kosher (July 3, 2013 / 25 Tammuz 5773) …item 2.. Quick and Healthy Summer Suppers (May 23, 2013) …item 3.. Festive Tu B’Shvat Fruit Menu (January 14, 2014 / 13 Shevat 5774) …

Image by marsmet548
COMSTOCK Pie Sliced Apples are scarce just now because Ma Nature was mighty stingy with the ONLY apples Comstock will accept—finest New York State apples!
Of course, Nature is unfair to piemakers, who save so much time and work with NO PEEL, NO CORE, NO WASTE. She’s unfair to folks who insists on Comstock’s richness and fresh flavor for every apple dish.
When enough really fine apples grow on trees again, your grocer will offer delicious Comstock Pie Sliced Apples in the handy jar or can.
Remember the name Comstock!
Comstock Canning Corporation Newark, New York
While your favorite apples are away…Try the New Comstock Pie Pumpkin. Make rich, spicy Thanksgiving pumpkin pie all year ’round. Look for the Comstock jar!
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…..item 1)…. Keeping it Kosher …
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Food and beverage companies are scrambling to go kosher to capture the lucrative kosher market.
img code photo … Keeping it Kosher
July 3, 2013 / 25 Tammuz 5773
by Mark Miller
Jewlarious Satire – When I was 17 years old, a Protestant high school classmate told me that her mother recommended that she marry a Jewish man. Why? “Because they’re responsible, they have good, professional jobs, and they won’t beat you.”
Jews are not only good for women to marry, they’re also, as we know, good for businesses in general. In the Southern California area, A Nice Jewish Boy Moving and Storage Company has been in operation since 1985. And if there’s anyone that knows about relocation, it’s we Jews.
The number one reason people buy kosher is for food quality (62%).
Lately, a number of new food and drink companies have placed Jews on their radar. Those companies are becoming increasingly interested in kosher, as they find it a powerful marketing tool. According to a new report by market research firm Mintel, the number one reason people buy kosher is for food quality (62%). The second most common reason is “general healthfulness” (51%). And the third is food safety (34%). Only 1% said they purchase kosher foods to follow kosher religious rules.
Realizing all this, food companies have been eager to cash in on the strong and growing U.S. market for kosher food and drink. And they have. According to Mintel, the growth in sales of kosher products – up 41 percent from 2003 to 2010 and projected to grow an additional 23 percent in 2013 – owes less to the popularity of keeping kosher or to new products than to existing products becoming certified by major kosher certifiers such as OU Kosher, Star-K Kosher, and COR.
As one example, synagogues are increasingly organizing events around whiskey, and whiskey makers are reaching out to the Jewish market. One such whiskey maker, Whiskey Jewbilee, has obtained official kosher certification for its bottlings. It recently drew a crowd of 250 to its tasting at Manhattan West Side Institutional Synagogue.
One wonders about how many new and established companies will decide to target this vibrant kosher foods and drink market – and exactly what their marketing campaigns might be. Perhaps the following might be representative of what we could be seeing one day in our increasingly expanding kosher foods and drink universe.
— Kosher Jerky
Ask any fan of kosher cuisine what the one food he or she most wishes was available in kosher format and you’ll invariably get the same response: “Jerky!” Each cow-shaped package of Jerome’s Jewlicious Judaic Jerky has been thoroughly inspected and certified by a CKJI – a Certified Kosher Jerky Inspector who once was a cowboy and before that a butcher. And when you think of it, what puts a bigger smile on the face of a hungry young child coming home from school than a heaping hunk of hearty Hebraic hide? Remember – “If it’s not Jerome’s, it’s not jerky.”
— Orange Jews
No, this is not members of the tribe who’ve stayed on the tanning bed too long. It’s simply America’s favorite breakfast juice, from organic oranges grown and picked by Jews for Jews. After it’s been certified kosher, the juice is poured into containers in the shapes and images of the characters from the musical “Fiddler on the Roof.” The gallon-size Tevye container is anticipated to be the most popular. But you’ll also enjoy serving and pouring your Orange Jews from the Golde, Tzeitel, Hodel, Chava, Yente, Perchik and Lazar Wolf containers. Orange Jews – “There’s a little bit of l’chaim in every glass.”
— Fortune-chokes
We all love artichokes. We all love fortune cookies. It was only a question of time until some enterprising person created a fortune artichoke – the Fortune-choke. Inside each kosher artichoke is a Jewish fortune. Qvell to such life-enhancing fortunes as, “Your daughter’s about to marry a doctor,” “You should only live in comfort and security for the remainder of your days,” and “Don’t worry – the doctor will let you know it’s benign.” Three deluxe Fortune-choke versions will be available: 1) The artichokes are dyed the blue and white colors of the Israeli flag. 2) A Marc Chagall painting will be silk-screened onto the artichoke. 3) A sound chip will be inserted so that when you cut into the heart, it will play selections from “Yentl.”
Jewcy Fruit Jewing Gum
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— Jewcy Fruit Jewing Gum
The Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company introduces the first Semitic companion to its mega-popular Juicy Fruit Gum – Jewcy Fruit Jewing Gum, the world’s first kosher gum. Just as the old Bazooka Bubble Gum used to have little comics included inside its wrapping, Jewcy Fruit will contain Torah commentary by the great Jewish sages of history. Finally, with every chew, you can feel confident that you’re chewing a gum that’s been prepared in a strictly kosher fashion. Available in a variety of flavors, including pastrami, kugel, lox, matzhoh brei, and herring in cream sauce. Also available – a silent version for chewing in shul.
— McDicksteins Fast Food Restaurant
It’s only a question of time until an international kosher fast food restaurant chain appears. Most likely, it will pattern itself after the current fast food king, McDonalds. At McDicksteins, you’ll no doubt be able to order a Big Moishe burger with non-dairy cheese, a KinderMeal with accompanying tchatchke, some crispy Jerusalem Fries, and a Seltzer Shake. Ad slogan: “I’m qvellin’ it!”
— Jewvioli
We all love ravioli. Well, most of us do. There is this one guy in North Dakota who could take it or leave it, but he’s always been a contrarian. But I digress. Jewvioli, the world’s first certified kosher ravioli, has not only been inspected by the kosher certifiers, but also has scenes from Moses’ parting of the Red Sea printed onto each ravioli square. And the sauce? Put it this way – there’ll be no qvetching after tasting the first mouthwatering bite of the Next Year in Jerusalem-covered Jewvioli. And if there is? Don’t give them any fortune-chokes until they finish their Jewvioli.
…..item 2)…. Quick and Healthy Summer Suppers …
Jewish Action … The Magazine of the Orthodox Union …
img code photo … chef table
by Norene Gilletz | May 23, 2013 in Recipes…
Summer is a terrific time to explore the great outdoors. Home gardens, roadside farm stands and farmers’ markets are overflowing with a wide variety of fresh vegetables and fruits that are ripe for the picking.
Simple suggestions to make mealtime preparations a breeze:
• Serve foods that can be enjoyed cold or at room temperature and require no heating. To prepare salad greens ahead of time, wash well, cut in bite-size pieces and spin dry in a lettuce spinner. Wrap them up in either paper towels or tea towels, place in a large Ziploc bag and refrigerate. The towels will absorb any excess moisture and the greens will stay fresh and crisp for a week.
• Grilled vegetables taste terrific either hot or at room temperature. My favorites include portobello mushrooms, chunks of red and yellow peppers, zucchini and onions tossed with a little olive oil, balsamic vinegar, minced garlic, salt and pepper. They only take about 10 minutes to cook on a hot grill. They are excellent as a side dish, or in wraps and salads.
• Grill/barbecue extra steaks, hamburgers, chicken and fish. Let cool, then wrap individually and freeze extras for another day. They can be thawed and heated quickly in a microwave and will taste as if they just came off the grill.
• Your slow cooker is ideal when the weather is hot. Assemble ingredients the night before in the insert of your slow cooker, cover and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, place the insert into the heating unit and set the timer. Go out for the day and enjoy the sunshine. When you return, dinner will be done!
• Watermelon Ice Cubes: Cut watermelon flesh into 1-inch chunks and discard any seeds. Puree in a blender or food processor until smooth, pour into ice cube trays and freeze.
• Freeze fresh fruits such as berries, peaches, nectarines and kiwi. They’re perfect to have on hand for making refreshing smoothies. No need to thaw the fruit first—just toss them in the blender or food processor with a little orange juice, milk or yogurt and process until thick and frothy. If necessary, add a little honey or sugar to taste.
Yields 6 servings
No cooking required! Gazpacho is a classic Spanish soup made with ripe tomatoes and other summer vegetables. This uncooked chilled soup is very refreshing on a hot summer day and is a wonderful thirst-quencher. Be careful not to over-process the vegetables.
… 1 English cucumber (do not peel)
… 1 green or red bell pepper, cored and seeded
… 1 medium onion
… 6 firm, ripe tomatoes, cored
… 4 cloves garlic
… Juice of 1/2 lemon (or 2 tablespoons lemon juice)
… 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil or canola oil
… 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
… 1 tablespoon fresh minced basil (or 1/2 teaspoon dried)
… 1 tablespoon salt (or to taste)
… 2 1/2 cups tomato juice
… Additional chopped vegetables and basil for garnish
Cut cucumber, bell pepper, onion and tomatoes into 1-inch chunks. Insert steel blade in processor bowl. Process cucumber with quick on/off pulses, until finely chopped. Transfer to a large bowl. Repeat with green pepper, onion and tomatoes, adding each in turn to the mixing bowl.
Drop garlic through the feed tube while the machine is running and process until minced. Add lemon juice, oil, chili powder, basil and salt. Add half the tomato juice and process until smooth.
Add juice mixture to chopped vegetables along with remaining tomato juice. Adjust seasonings to taste.
Ladle soup into a serving pitcher, cover and refrigerate several hours or overnight to blend flavors.
Serve chilled. Garnish with additional chopped vegetables and basil if desired.
Note: This keeps about a week in the refrigerator.
Do not freeze.
Yields about 8 servings
This easy and healthy appetizer tastes best when fresh tomatoes are in season. The tomato mixture also makes a terrific topping for grilled fish, chicken or burgers.
… 1 clove garlic
… 1/4 cup fresh basil leaves
… 4 firm, ripe tomatoes, cored and quartered
… Salt and pepper to taste
… Dash of cayenne pepper
… 2 to 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
… 1 tablespoon lemon juice (preferably fresh)
… Eight 1-inch slices French or Italian crusty bread
… 2 additional cloves garlic, cut in half
Insert steel blade in processor bowl. Process 1 clove garlic with basil until minced.
Add tomatoes and process with several quick on/off pulses, just until coarsely chopped. Do not over-process.
Season with salt, pepper, oil, lemon juice and cayenne. Process with 3 or 4 quick on/off pulses, until tomatoes are coarsely chopped. (Can be prepared in advance and refrigerated.)
Crostini: Toast or grill bread slices on both sides until crisp and golden. Rub 1 side of bread slices with cut garlic. Brush lightly with remaining olive oil.
Shortly before serving, top each crostini with some of the tomato mixture. Serve immediately.
Note: Recipe doubles easily. Tomato mixture keeps 2 to 3 days in the refrigerator. Don’t freeze.
Dairy Variation
Bruschetta is also delicious topped with grated mozzarella, Swiss, Monterey Jack or Parmesan cheese. Broil briefly before serving. These are perfect as a light main dish when served with a big garden salad.
Chef’s Secrets:
Use any kind of tomatoes you have on hand. Italian plum tomatoes (Roma) have less seeds and juice, making a thicker mixture.
Choose tomatoes that are vine-ripened, firm and heavy for their size. For best flavor, store tomatoes at room temperature, not in the refrigerator. They will keep 4 to 5 days.
Tomatoes are packed with lycopene, a cancer-fighting antioxidant that gives tomatoes their bright red color. When tomatoes are cooked, more of the lycopene becomes available.
Yields 6 servings as a main dish
This scrumptious meal-in-one-salad is packed with vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Instead of basil, you can easily substitute other dried or fresh herbs such as rosemary, oregano or thyme.
… 6 skinless, boneless, single chicken breasts
… 3 red bell peppers, cut in quarters
… 6 large portobello mushrooms, stems discarded
… 1 package (10-ounce) mixed salad greens
… 1 medium red onion, quartered and thinly sliced
… Salt and freshly ground black pepper
… 1/3 cup toasted slivered almonds, for garnish
… 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
… 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
… 3 cloves garlic, minced
… 2 tablespoons minced fresh basil (or 1 teaspoon dried)
… 1/2 teaspoon salt
… Freshly ground black pepper
Dressing: In a small bowl, whisk together oil, vinegar, garlic, basil, salt and pepper. Place chicken breasts in a resealable plastic bag and add 1/4 cup of the dressing. (Refrigerate remaining dressing.)
Marinate chicken for at least 30 minutes or up to 48 hours in the refrigerator. Turn bag over occasionally to coat chicken on all sides.
Preheat grill. Brush peppers and mushrooms with 3 tablespoons of the reserved dressing. Grill over indirect medium-high heat, China China Turning once, for about 8 to 10 minutes.
Grill chicken breasts over indirect heat until juices run clear and meat is no longer pink in the center, about 8 to 10 minutes (4 to 5 minutes per side). Discard any leftover marinade from the chicken.
Remove chicken, peppers and mushrooms from the grill and transfer them to a China cutting board. Cut into 1/2-inch wide strips. (Can be prepared up to a day in advance and refrigerated until serving time.)
At serving time, combine salad greens and red onion slices in a large bowl. Drizzle with reserved salad dressing and toss well. Season with salt and pepper.
Transfer salad mixture to a large serving platter or individual serving plates. Add grilled peppers and mushrooms. Top with sliced chicken and sprinkle with almonds.
Serve chilled.
Substitute 12 boneless, skinless chicken thighs for chicken breasts.
img code photo … Gazpacho×508.jpg
Yields 8 servings
Quinoa is high in protein, cooks quickly and is gluten-free. It makes an excellent alternative to rice or couscous in salads and pilafs.
… 3 cups vegetable or chicken broth
… 1 1/2 cups quinoa
… 3/4 cup diced red onion
… 1 cup diced cucumber
… 1/2 cup diced red bell pepper
… 1/2 cup diced yellow bell pepper
… 1/2 cup diced celery
… 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil
… 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
… 3/4 cup dried cranberries
… 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
… 3 tablespoons orange juice
… 2 tablespoons honey
… Salt and pepper to taste
… 1/4 cup toasted sliced almonds or chopped pistachios, for garnish
Bring broth to a boil in a medium saucepan over high heat. Place quinoa in a fine-mesh strainer and rinse under cold running water for 1 to 2 minutes, until water runs clear. (Note: Some brands of quinoa don’t require pre-rinsing.)
Add quinoa to boiling liquid. Reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, for 15 minutes or until liquid is absorbed. Remove from heat and let stand, covered, for 5 minutes. Fluff with a fork. Transfer to a large bowl and let cool. (Can be prepared in advance and refrigerated.)
Combine quinoa with onion, cucumber, peppers, celery, basil, parsley, dried cranberries, olive oil, orange juice and honey. Toss to combine. Season with salt and pepper.
Sprinkle with nuts at serving time.
Note: This will keep 2 to 3 days in the refrigerator.
Do not freeze.
img code photo … Confetti Quinoa Salad×508.jpg
Photos: Doug Gilletz
Copyright ©Norene Gilletz
Norene Gilletz of Toronto, Canada, is the author of nine cookbooks, including The NEW Food Processor Bible: 30th Anniversary Edition (Vancouver, Canada, 2011) and Norene’s Healthy Kitchen (Vancouver, Canada, 2009). She is a freelance food writer, culinary consultant, cookbook editor, lecturer and culinary spokesperson.
This article was featured in Jewish Action Summer 2013.
…..item 3)…. Festive Tu B’Shvat Fruit Menu …
… … … Home » Jewish Holidays » Tu B’Shvat » Recipes …
Tu B’Shvat, the New Year for the Trees, is Jan 16, 2014.
Celebrate the environment and appreciate the fruits of the Land of Israel.
Kabbalistic Tu B’shvat Seder ABC’s of Tu B’Shvat Coloring Pages
img code photo … Festive Tu B’Shvat Fruit Menu×150.jpg
Celebrate the bounty of Tu B’Shvat with these delectable, fruity recipes.
by Gitta Bixenspanner
Published: January 4, 2014
January 14, 2014 / 13 Shevat 5774
On Tu B’Shvat, the New Year of the trees, we celebrate by indulge in delicious fruit. God created a beautiful world for our enjoyment. Thank Him for the vast array of gorgeous and colorful fruits that are so appealing and begging to be tasted. Whether you favor your fruit crunchy, juicy, sweet, tart, colorful there is a fruit to satisfy every taste.
Here is a selection of recipes that include fruits. They can be part of any menu
Look for bulgur in bags in the health food section of the supermarket (it is commonly available) or at a natural food store (both in bags and in bulk).
Bob’s Red Mill Bulgur is a good brand of bulgur to use, but avail yourself of any variety found in your supermarket.
… 1½ cups medium or coarse bulgur
… 2 cups boiling water
… 1 orange cut in segments
… 1/3 cup fresh orange juice
… 2 Tbs fresh lemon juice
… 2 Tbs maple syrup
… 1 Tbs ground cumin (optional)
… 1 ½ tsp ground cinnamon
… 1 ½ tsp salt
… ½ tsp freshly ground black pepper
… 1/3 cup olive oil
… ½ cup raisins or craisins
… 4 green onions, chopped
… ¼ cup chopped fresh mint leaves or cilantro (optional)
… 1/3 cup roasted, lightly salted cashew pieces
In a bowl, combine bulgur and boiling water. Let bulgur soak in the hot water, covered, until softened, 10 to 15 minutes.
In a large bowl whisk together segments of orange, lemon juice, maple syrup, cumin, cinnamon, and oil until combined. Adjust seasoning with salt & pepper to taste. Add soaked bulgur, raisins, green onions, mint, cilantro, and oranges to dressing and toss well. Chill until ready to serve. Just before serving, stir in cashews.
Preparation time 20 minutes
Serves 8
Apples in soup? Some people might balk at the idea but this easy, heartwarming winter soup is a winner. Sweetness from the sweet potato combined with the tartness from the apple along with the spices balances the flavor of this soup beautifully.
1 large sweet potato peeled and diced.
… 2-Granny Smith apple
… 1 tsp cumin
… 1 large leek washed and cut into circles
… 1 tsp salt
… 1 tsp cinnamon
… 1 inch piece ginger (optional)
Place the diced sweet potato, chunks of apple and leeks into a 4 quart pot. Cover with water and cook for 30 minutes until all ingredients are soft. With a blender stick, puree vegetables and apples. Add the spices. Stir and simmer for 3-5 minutes. Adjust the soup by adding more or less water to get the desired consistency. Decorate each plate with some sliced almonds, or sliced banana (light green long thin) peppers. Serve hot with rice cakes or crackers.
Preparation time 15 minutes
Serves 6
Chicken and rice cook together in a fragrant mix of traditional eastern Mediterranean flavorings. Serve with flatbread and a tossed salad dressed with lemon juice and olive oil.
… ¾ tsp (4 mL) salt
… ½ tsp (2 mL) pepper
… 3 lb (1.4 kg) chicken pieces, skinned
… 2 Tbs (25 mL) extra virgin olive oil
… 1 Tbs (15 mL) oil
… 1 onions, chopped
… 1 clove garlic, minced
… ½ cup (125 mL) slivered almonds or pine nuts/chestnuts
… ¼ cup (50 mL) craisins
… 1- ½ cups (375 mL) brown basmati rice or long-grain brown rice
… ¼ tsp (1 mL) ground allspice (optional)
… ¼ tsp (1 mL) ground cinnamon (optional)
… ¼ tsp (1 mL) ground cumin
… 1 cup (250 mL) chicken stock or chicken soup mixed with water
… 2 Tbs (25 mL) fresh chopped or frozen fresh dill (optional)
Sprinkle ½ tsp (2 ml) of the salt and pepper all over chicken. In large nonstick skillet, heat half of the oil over medium-high heat, brown chicken, about 10 minutes. Transfer to plate. In same pot sauté onion and garlic for 10 minutes or until brown; adding some oil if needed,. Stir in almonds, craisins and chestnuts; cook, stirring, until nuts darken, about 3 minutes. Add rice, allspice, cinnamon, cumin and remaining salt; cook for 2 minutes, stirring to coat grains.
Add stock and 1-1/4 cups (300 ml) water. Nestle chicken in rice mixture; bring to boil. Reduce heat to low, cover and cook until rice is tender and juices run clear when chicken is pierced, about 30 minutes. Remove from heat; let stand, covered, for 10 minutes. Fluff rice with fork.
Preparation time 30 minutes
Serves 8-10
img code photo … LIGHT AND TASTY FRUIT FLAN…
This beautiful dessert is a great finish to any meal. Especially on Tu Bishvat, it complements the theme of fruits herein presented. There is a special flan pan that has an indentation, which when inverted allows for the custard and fruit filling. It is available in most houseware or kitchen supply stores. It is a favorite with all ages.
… 6 eggs separated
… 1 cup sugar
… 1 ½ Tbs oil
… ¾ cup orange juice
… 1 package or 1 tsp vanilla sugar
… 1 cup flour
… ½ tsp baking powder
… Custard: 1 whipped cream + 1 vanilla pudding
… Fruit topping (Choose your favorite fruits such as strawberries, kiwis, pineapples, blueberries, tangerines.)
Glaze Ingredients
… ½ cup sugar
… 1 ½ Tbs corn starch
… 1 cup orange juice
… 1Tbs sweet liquor
Preheat oven to 350°. Beat egg whites with sugar until stiff peaks form. In a small bowl, mix flour with baking powder and set aside. On a lower speed, add yolks, oil and orange juice alternating with flour and baking powder mixture.
Oil the flan pan very thoroughly in center and on all sides. Pour in the batter and distribute evenly. Bake for 20 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.
Allow cake to cool while you prepare the custard. Beat the whipped cream with the vanilla pudding. Invert the cooled cake remove gingerly from the pan so it does not break. Pour custard into the center of the flan and cover with your choice of fruits.
In a small pot, bring the orange juice with all other glaze ingredients to a boil, allowing it to thicken slightly. Smear the glaze over the fruits, for a nice effect. Fruit flan can be refrigerated up to a week.
Preparation 30 minutes
Serves 8- 10
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Published: January 4, 2014