Image from page 77 of “Popular gentleman system for cutting and designing of men’s garments” (1917)

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Identifier: populargentleman00popu
Title: Popular gentleman system for cutting and designing of men’s garments
Year: 1917 (1910s)
Authors: Popular gentleman service company, Philadelphia. [from old catalog]
Subjects: Tailoring
Publisher: Philadelphia, Pa., Popular gentleman service company
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ne half the waist measure.D-8 to D-9 is 11/4, inch.D-9 to D-10 is 21/2 inches.Square down from D-10 to locate G-4.Draw a line from D-9 up thru C-13.Square up from D-9 to locate C-14 and A-4.C-14 to C-15 is 31/2 inches.Draw a line from D-10 up thru C-15.A-1 to A-2 is Va breast plus % of an inch.Square out from A-2.Shape the neck from A-1 down and out to the front.Measure half the neck size plus ly^, inch from A to 2 and from A-1 down to get A-3.D-10 to F-3 is 334 inches.Draw a line from E-6 to F-3.F-4 is % of an inch above F-3.Shape from E-4 to F-4 as diagram.Take out V2 inch V at 20 and 21 as diagram.Square down from E-6 to get G-5.G-5 to G-6 is 1-6 breast.Draw a hne from E-6 to G-6.Open the skirt as from E-6 to G-5 and G-6 for flare, this can be more or less for style.Shape from A-3 thru C-13 and D-9 down.A-4 to A-5 is 3 inches.Shape from A-5 down.The over shoulder and strap measures are applied the same as for regular coat, also the sleeve.This finishes the draft. 75 FULL DRESS COAT
Text Appearing After Image:
The measurements are as follows:— Breast 36 in. Waist 32 in. Waist depression 2 in. 81/j in. Scye depthWaist length 17 in.Full length __39 in.Seat 39 in. Blade 111/4. in. Over shoulder 16! (, in.Strap 111/2 in. Square down and out from A. A to B is Vn breast plus % of an inch. A to C is the scye depth. A to D is the normal waist length.D to E is 11/2 inch for fashionable waistlength. 7G E to F is 6 inches. A to G is the full length. Square out from C, D, E, F and G. D to D-1 is the waist depression. D-2 is half way between D and D-1. Square down from D-2 to locate E-1 and G-1. Draw a line from E-1 to B to locate C-1. E-1 to E-2 is i/a breast. Square down from E-2 to locate G-2. C-1 to C-2 is 114 inch. C-2 to C-3 is the blade measure. Square up from C-3 to locate X. X to X-1 is 1H breast plus 1 inch. Draw a line from X-1 to A. A to 1 is y^ breast plus 1 inch. Square up from 1 to locate 2. C-4 is half way between C-3 and C-1. C-4 to C-5 is 11/2 inch. Square up from C-5. C-6 is one hal
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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability – coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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