A couple of nice machine parts companies pictures I identified:
Image from page 90 of “The Crossley Machine Co. (Incorporated), producers of clay working machinery : pottery, electric porcelain, tile making, clay washing and crucible machinery.” (1918)

Image by Net Archive Book Images
Identifier: crossleymachinec00cros
Title: The Crossley Machine Co. (Incorporated), manufacturers of clay operating machinery : pottery, electric porcelain, tile generating, clay washing and crucible machinery.
Year: 1918 (1910s)
Authors: Crossley Machine Co.
Subjects: Crossley Machine Co.–Catalogs. Clay industries–Gear and supplies–Catalogs.
Publisher: Trenton, N.J. : Crossley Machine Co.
Contributing Library: Rutgers University Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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Text Appearing Just before Image:
Parts CARRIED IN STOCK.Made IN TWO SIZES ONLY, A and B two c7) Weigh! ExportWeight Size of Getting and Size ofDischarge Pipes Brass Valve Pressure AB 95 lbs.one hundred lbs. 150 lbs.150 lbs. 2 in. two in. dia.2 in. 2H in. dia. 80 to 10080 to 100 TRENTON, NEW JERSEY 87 Over-Flow or Relief Valve
Text Appearing Soon after Image:
This security valve is specifically created forclay or heavy and gritty substances. The plungerand rings are created of brass with rubber seats. Itis utilized in connection with our clay pumps forregulating the stress of the liquid clay in thefilter presses. We make these safety valves in 3 sizes,of the following dimensions: Size Weight ExportWeight Size of Receiving andDischarge Pipes Variety ofPressure No. 1No. 2No. three 25 lbs.35 lbs.85 lbs. 50 lbs.one hundred lbs.150 lbs. K in. pipeIK in. pipe2 in. pipe 5 to 80 lbs.ten to 80 lbs.20 to 80 lbs. 88 THE CROSSLEY MACHINE CO. Hand Whirlers The hand whirlers shown on opposite web page are madewith the very best components and workmanship, and will hefound to be properly balanced and very easily revolved. The stepat bottom of spindle can be adjusted to let for anywear that may take place in the spindle. The bench whirler is fastened to a bench by meansof wood screws, which hold it perfectly rigid and allowit to function freely. The sagger makers whirler is, as its name implies,us
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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page photos that may have been digitally enhanced for readability – coloration and look of these illustrations may possibly not perfectly resemble the original function.
Machine Space Cubicle

Image by tj.blackwell
This wooden compartment, its glass windows extended considering that smashed, lies adjacent to the main metalworking room of the Industrial Works mill. It appears to have been used as a type of functional admin area to shop plans for the machine components that have been at present in production on the lathes. It also includes a battered old telephone booth, which is the green object at the prime left of this image.