Willy + snow = Entertaining!
Image by ucumari photography
Received a telephone contact final night from a buddy to inform me that they were going to turn on the snow-generating machine for Willy overnight!
I hear kudos are in order for Jeff who went in late and got it operating. It looked stunning this morning and Willy couldn’t have enjoyed it far more!
(Hope you are not tired of Willy photographs because I have some far more for subsequent week!)
Good Machining Business photographs
Check out these machining company photos:
Girls workers set up fixtures and assemblies to a tail fuselage section of a B-17 bomber at the Douglas Aircraft Company plant, Extended Beach, Calif. Much better identified as the “Flying Fortress,” the B-17F is a later model of the B-17, which distinguished itself i
Image by The Library of Congress
Palmer, Alfred T.,, photographer.
Females workers set up fixtures and assemblies to a tail fuselage section of a B-17 bomber at the Douglas Aircraft Organization plant, Extended Beach, Calif. Far better known as the "Flying Fortress," the B-17F is a later model of the B-17, which distinguished itself in action in the south Pacific, Germany and elsewhere. It is a extended variety, high altitude, heavy bomber, with a crew of seven to nine men, and with armament adequate to defend itself on daylight missions
1942 Oct.
1 transparency : color.
Title from FSA or OWI agency caption.
Transfer from U.S. Office of War Information, 1944.
Douglas Aircraft Business
Airplane market
World War, 1939-1945
Assembly-line methods
United States–California–Long Beach
Format: Transparencies–Color
Rights Info: No identified restrictions on publication.
Repository: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA, hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.print
Part Of: Farm Security Administration – Office of War Information Collection 12002-39 (DLC) 93845501
General details about the FSA/OWI Color Photographs is offered at hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.fsac
Larger resolution image is offered (Persistent URL): hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/fsac.1a35337
Get in touch with Quantity: LC-USW36-103
Avro Canada CF-one hundred Canuck
Image by bill barber
On a pedestal in the park close to Algonguin Hwy, Haliburton, Ontario. Initially stationed at Camp Borden, Ontario.
The Avro Canada CF-one hundred Canuck (affectionately identified as the Clunk) was a Canadian jet fighter serving in the course of the Cold War. It was the only Canadian-designed fighter to enter mass production. The CF-one hundred is not considered to be genuinely supersonic given that it could not exceed the speed of sound in level flight. Nevertheless, on 18 December 1952, S/L Janusz Żurakowski, the Avro business chief improvement test pilot, broke the sound barrier flying the CF-one hundred Mk four prototype in a dive from 30,000 feet.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avro_Canada_CF-one hundred
Cool Machining Supplier photos
Verify out these machining supplier images:
blast off!
Image by uteart
showing some fire right here… in the Large view: www.flickr.com/pictures/uteart/4143924855/sizes/o/
For 9 days, each and every day one more trade or profession will pay for shooting off the hundreds of rockets. the first ones at 6am – then 12 noon – then7pm…. and the Rocket-Castle at 11pm at night.
Yesterday was the Bricklayer’s turn, constantly the loudest day of them all!! I went to the yard behind the church from exactly where they will be launching the rockets. This aparently is not for the public, it is a harmful undertaking and the gates were closed behind the coheteros. And i was locked in with them, nobody has told me to leave… they let me take images!!!
All of a sudden i noticed 5 guys were lighting up cigarettes, then the "supplier’ brought bundles of rockets and the coheteros began lighting them with their cigarettes, holding them among two fingers until they had catched fire prior to letting go. This is a hazardous and essential moment, simply because virtually instantly following ignition, a enormous fire beam would shoot from the rocket to the ground and the rocket was launched… handheld!!! A total of 1300 rockets have been shot up into the air, in a 30-minute time frame, accompanied by a concert of ringing church bells.
Most rockets had been launched, as you see here, bare handed!! Other individuals had been launched all lined up and stuck in some wooden- or metal frame help. Thus, by igniting the 1st a single, some 50+ rockets would explode simultaneously… like machine-gunfire, Wow, what an experience!!!! – I took a handful of hundred shots (in brackets), just to catch that beam of fire, but neither the fire-beam, nor the explosions of the rockets up in the blue sky showed up significantly on my images taken in broad daylight, just a lot of smoke. I will appear for a night shot in my archives, where the beam of fire is quite visible and impressive.
My desk at Operate
Image by metamoof
Here’s a image of my desk at work, labelled with a variety of bits and bobs. As requested by syn on www.livejournal.com/users/synthclarion/363683.html . My phonecam is rather crap, no?
Image by clarksworth
Custom-made helmet for a short film.
The helmet is primarily based on the old brass Mk two diving gear, but with a modern/alien twist. The design of the piece is inspired by peak sci-fi films such as Alien, Star Wars and Blade Runner – function before form.
The helmet was produced from two stock acryillic hemispheres, with a sheet styrene construction on the back. Detailing was with a variety of model kit components, sillicone glue and basic electronics, along with stock plastic fittings from specific effects suppliers EMA Model Supplies. The "gun" was made overnight from what ever leftover stock I had to hand, which consists of PVC pipe and a number of other prop components (the tip is the nosecone from Derek Medding’s Thunderbird 1). The faceplate with the several lenses was inspired by the Bolex cameras we utilised to use at uni. Concept to final building was about six days, with some overnight periods. The building technique wasn’t my preferred one – with a lot more funds, CNC machining and fibreglass casting would have created the process a lot less complicated, but that would have quadroupled the expense of the costume.
The helmet’s design was a important component of the cinematography of the piece – it is not only extremely reflective and complete of surface detail, but it also has two forward LED spotlamps that illumunate the scenery around it. My part in this film – largely as production designer and camera op – was to guarantee that the art path actually was an integral component of the film, and not just an afterthought.
Good Turning Machining photographs
Some cool turning machining images:
Machine Turned Gauge
Image by jonnyfixedgear
Up side down
Image by jurvetson
You’re turning me…
Green Goo
Image by www.louisdallaraphotography.com
Green goo is a hypothetical finish-of-the-world situation involving molecular nanotechnology in which out-of-control self-replicating robots consume all living matter on Earth even though building a lot more of themselves (a situation recognized as ecophagy).
The term "green goo" is normally used in a science fiction or popular-press context. In the worst postulated scenarios (requiring big, space-capable machines), matter beyond Earth would also be turned into goo (with "goo" which means a massive mass of replicating nanomachines lacking large-scale structure, which might or may not really seem goo-like). The disaster is posited to result from a deliberate doomsday device, or from an accidental mutation in a self-replicating nanomachine utilized for other purposes, but designed to operate in a natural environment.
Cool Precision Machining Business images
Some cool precision machining organization images:
Image from page 525 of “Industrial history of the United States, from the earliest settlements to the present time: becoming a complete survey of American industries, embracing agriculture and horticulture including the cultivation of cotton, tobacco, wheat
Image by World wide web Archive Book Pictures
Identifier: industrialhistor00boll
Title: Industrial history of the United States, from the earliest settlements to the present time: becoming a total survey of American industries, embracing agriculture and horticulture including the cultivation of cotton, tobacco, wheat the raising of horses, neat-cattle, and so forth. all the critical manufactures, shipping and fisheries, railroads, mines and mining, and oil also a history of the coal-miners and the Molly Maguires banks, insurance, and commerce trade-unions, strikes, and eight-hour movement collectively with a description of Canadian industries
Year: 1878 (1870s)
Authors: Bolles, Albert Sidney, 1846-1939
Subjects: Industries Industries
Publisher: Norwich, Conn. : The Henry Bill pub. Firm
Contributing Library: Harold B. Lee Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Brigham Young University
View Book Page: Book Viewer
About This Book: Catalog Entry
View All Photos: All Photos From Book
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Text Appearing Prior to Image:
INDUSTRIAL HISTORY joints of all kinds. The operate is generally done in these machines by meansof chisels and saws. This class of machines has multiplied extremely Machineryfor makingsashes,blinds, anddoors. fast considering that 1861, and has concentrated in factories a large amount of operate which was formerly carried on by hand, and scattered farand wide among little shops. It has also tremendously lessened theart of production. The machines are all very basic, thoughfrequently very ingenious, and work with excellent precision. The framing, shap-ing, and panelling ofwindows, doors, andblinds, is now doneentirely by machine-ry and the applica-tion of mechanical la-bor in this industryhas gone so far, thateven the wire stapleswhich fasten the rodof the window – blindto the slats are alldriven by machine,and with incrediblespeed. If a machinewere invented tobrush on the greenpaint to the window-do in the constructionThat a device of that
Text Appearing After Image:
TWENTY-FOlR-INCH PLANER. blind, sash, or door, there would be nothing more toof these objects which could be completed by machine,character could be created is apparent each by the aid of the unassisted reasonand from the fact that England ex-hibited a painting-machine at Phila-delphia in 1876. It was, in fact, heronly wood-working machine shown. One of the comparatively current in-ventions is a set of machines for making Barrel- tne different parts Of bar- creating- rels. In these the stavesmachines. are sawed out, bent, jointed,and ready for the barrel, with scarce-ly the help of any hand-tool what ever. The heads of the barrels and the wooden hoops are also shaped by appro-Carving and priate inventions. There are also now in use machines for carving,engraving. engraving and portrait engines, lathes for cutting and boringspools, box-mortising-machines, stair-jointers, hub-boxing-machines, cork-
Note About Pictures
Please note that these pictures are extracted from scanned page photos that might have been digitally enhanced for readability – coloration and appearance of these illustrations may possibly not completely resemble the original perform.
Image from page 677 of “Railway mechanical engineer” (1916)
Image by Web Archive Book Photos
Identifier: railwaymechanica95newy
Title: Railway mechanical engineer
Year: 1916 (1910s)
Subjects: Railroad engineering Engineering Railroads Railroad cars
Publisher: New York, N.Y. : Simmons-Boardman Pub. Co
Contributing Library: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation
View Book Page: Book Viewer
About This Book: Catalog Entry
View All Pictures: All Photos From Book
Click right here to view book on-line to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book.
Text Appearing Just before Image:
Fig. 1—Cross Section of a Set of V Pilot Packing slotted, the slots getting staggered to stop the escape ofsteam down the rod. The slots serve an additional useful purposeby retaining oil for the lubrication of the rod. A hasty glanceat Fig. 1 may give the impression that there are two pieces of metal instead of one particular, but on closer examination the V-shapeof the strong, white metal bar is apparent. V Pilot Packing has a resilient, pliable back, fitting itfor several makes use of for which purely metallic packing is not
Text Appearing After Image:
Fig. 2—View Showing Flexibility of New Packing adapted. Its intense flexibility, as shown in Fig. two, per-mits its use on tiny rods and gives simple and rapid ad-justment. This packing has successfully passed the experi-mental stage and demonstrated its worth by extended testsunder actual functioning situations, obtaining shown unusuallylong life and resultant economy. It has a wide variety of ap-plication and is utilized by railroads for air pumps, boiler feedpumps (steam and water ends), valve stems, throttle stems,energy reverse gear rods, stationary air compressors, steamengines, hot and cold water pumps, ammonia pumps, round-house washout pumps, energy plant feed water pumps, pump-ing station (steam or water glands), steam hammers.andmany other purposes. V Pilot Packing is supplied boxedand ready for quick service and is applied in the samemanner as ordinary fibrous packing. A New Precision Machine Alining Level THE Universal Boring Machine Organization, Hudson,Mass., has just placed on the m
Note About Images
Please note that these pictures are extracted from scanned web page pictures that may have been digitally enhanced for readability – coloration and appearance of these illustrations could not completely resemble the original operate.
Image by Providence Public Library
wc 556 factories and companies – Brown and Sharpe Manufacturing Organization – North Kingstown 1964 –
Machine tools, precision tools and guaging gear and hydraulic pumps are manufactured at this place

Nice Turning Machining photographs
Check out these turning machining pictures:
Image by Viewminder
I gotta admit that I truly take pleasure in meetin’ folks and sharin’ excellent stories with them.
Great story tellers often appreciate every single others firm.
I consider I was born to be a sailor.
Because I enjoy the water and sailor’s inform the best stories.
Long hours of tediousness and boredom at sea punctuated by brief periods of indescribable terror and panic develop the ideal atmosphere for telling stories.
Not only that… but in all of that monotony sailors themselves since time started have sat about in circles and passed the ‘story torch.’
I do it on the street all the time.
It usually goes like this…
I meet a person and they inform an interesting story that I appreciate hearing.
Does not matter if the story is great most of the time…
a good story teller is an artist that can render any tale exciting and pull you appropriate into it.
The thing is… and this is constantly true…
a person who tells a great story appreciates hearing one back.
It is almost an unwritten rule and numerous a time I’ve listened to a guy finish tellin’ a story and then he looks at me like ‘alright… what do you got?’
I’ve dug hearing wonderful stories since I was a kid and my grandfather told me all sorts of stories about Planet War Two in the Pacific.
I couldn’t get adequate of those stories and everytime I saw him it was the very first thing I asked him…
‘tell me one more story grampa.’
I utilized to sit there and visualize the stories he told.
I’d really ‘see’ what he was speaking about in my thoughts and in my memories I can nevertheless ‘see’ his stories today.
I remember the way the sun glinted off the wings of the Japanese Zero Fighter that turned into his position and began firing it is machine guns at him and his buddies…
the muzzle flashes of the guns in the wings of that plane and the seconds later sound of spent brass bullet cartridges hitting the ground with a ‘tinging’ noise.
I could ‘smell’ the sweat of fear as he jumped into a foxhole and stated a few words to God as that plane flew overhead.
Shit like that tends to make a very good story and as Irish as my grandfather was the stories usually improved with a small bit of whiskey so as I grew older and encouraged him to drink more the very same stories just kept obtaining better and better.
They got even greater when he encouraged me to take a handful of sips of the whiskey.
‘How did you Feel when that plane pointed right at you and started shooting’ I asked him when.
Man I actually miss that man and his stories.
I want I’d have recorded them all.
He gave me that and those had been the ideal memories of my childhood.
Stories have gotten me into difficulty and stories have gotten me out of it.
I’d just gotten kicked out of Japan for stabbin’ a guy with a broken beer bottle.
Never be concerned…
I’m not a violent thug…
the dude broke into my residence wearing a mask and I woke up none as well sober following a excellent night at The Pig and The Whistle bar in Osaka.
It was kinda weird because I woke up punching some stranger in the face right over my futon.
He was wearing what looked like a white pillow case with eye holes reduce into it and I’d broken his nose by the time I ‘really’ woke up so my very first recollection of the complete issue was hunting at my proper fist about to hit the guy’s face once more and all kindsa blood on his mask.
I was confused as shit.
‘What was I performing… and who’s face was I pummeling’ I wondered as I took another punch.
‘Why am I doing this’ I asked myself.
I knew I must’ve had a genuinely good purpose even though.
I was actually hoping it wasn’t my roommate playing some sort of a joke.
Which was confirmed when he came around screaming behind me.
He was kinda confused too.
In that split second exactly where I stopped attempting to kill the guy and ask my roommate what the fuck was going on the guy took expert benefit of that distraction and proceeded to try to kill me.
I had no notion what the hell was going on but fairly basically place the guy was attempting to kill me so I figured that if I could stay away from that that maybe I could figure it all out later.
I didn’t know what to do.
I did not actually wanna kill the guy…
I was just tryin’ to get some sleep right after all of these Asahi’s and now appear what I gotta deal with.
for some purpose I just wanted to throw the guy outta my residence.
Seemed intelligent at the time.
Effectively believed out.
A great strategy even.
The thought of holding him ’til the police came by no means even entered my thoughts.
Possibly since we did not have a phone and I wouldn’t know how to contact the cops in Japan anyway.
I do not even bear in mind how I got the empty Asahi bottle in my hand or how it got broken like that.
I mighta taken it away from him.
My roommate was no support at all…
he was screamin’ like a small girl who just saw a nasty spider and the shock of the entire point just rendered him incapacitated as all get out.
I can realize his gettin’ freaked out.
As crazy as it is wakin’ up findin’ your self tryin’ to kill a guy it really is prolly crazier to wake up watchin’ your roommate tryin’ to kill some masked guy in your property.
Busy as I was tryin’ to kill the guy I didn’t have the luxury of freakin’ out.
Somehow with the jagged beer bottle in my proper hand and the dude with a broken nose in a headlock in my left arm I got to the front door… perhaps he’d left it open when he broke in simply because I never know how I could even have opened it with my hands full of hell like that.
And I know my roommate did not open it.
By this time he’d gone fetal on the floor.
Occasionally I wonder about my reactions that evening.
I didn’t believe about callin’ the police till it was all more than.
Instinct told me that life would be a lot much better if the guy who was tryin’ to kill me wasn’t in my property any longer.
It all occurred so quick.
When I threw him out the door somehow I pulled the guys mask off.
I felt like I hadda see his face.
When I did that he turned back on me in this rage that I’d in no way observed in a person just before.
He was goin’ for me difficult and I just sort of without much considering stabbed him in the stomach with the jagged beer bottle.
I had never ever stabbed any individual prior to and appropriate right after I did it I was tellin’ myself ‘dude… you just stabbed a guy.’
Sort of a weird point to consider.
I guess I believed perhaps he’d just die then.
I don’t know… I in no way killed a guy with a broken beer bottle to the gut ahead of.
The entire thing was a new experience.
I imply… I stuck him pretty good.
Shards of glass stuck in his stomach and some other shards fell onto the tile floor.
He got this genuinely shocked appear on his face for a second…
like ‘why the fuck did you just stab me asshole?’
There wasn’t time to say ‘because I woke up with you tryin’ to kill me dickhead.’
In addition to… I didn’t know how to say that in japanese.
As an alternative he recovered from his initial shock and came at me again.
I couldn’t believe this guy.
And my freakin’ out area mate is freakin’ out even much more ’cause now I just stabbed the guy.
It wasn’t like I was left with a complete lotta options man.
The complete scenario was a lot to deal with and I was beginning to get pissed off.
I was woken up adequate by that time that I ultimately decided to kill the guy with my bare hands.
I’d had adequate of this shit you know?
Didja ever just try to get some sleep and all of the sudden you gotta kill a guy?
A guy who appears hell bent on killin’ you?
I wasn’t angry or mad or filled with hatred… I just wanted some peace in my life and this guy’s fully going apeshit on me and we look to have differing agendas on how the evening need to end.
And I still never know what the complete thing’s all about.
We fought there in the hallway in front of the front door…
It was comedic really in a way when I believe back on it…
there was so much blood on the floor and I am barefoot in my underwear tryin’ to kill the guy but I can’t hold from slipping in the blood.
Could not keep on my feet for all the cash in the world.
Neither could he.
We ended up wrestling on the floor.
Blood on porcelain tile is truly slippery.
I feel losin’ as considerably blood as he did just took the fight out of him.
The last couple of throws from either of us had been weak and exasperating.
I don’t know what told me to let him go but I did.
Anything just told me it was all over.
He stumbled down the hallway and I went back inside.
The hallway was a bloody mess.
It was blood all more than the floor… bloody smeared handprints on the wall…
I sat down on my futon and tried to figure out if any of the blood that covered me was mine.
Did a tiny examination of all my extremities and such.
A couple of cuts on my feet possibly from walking on the broken glass.
Now is exactly where I started to get angry.
I did not ask for any of that.
I tried asking my space mate what the fuck that was all about but all he could do was talk gibberish.
He couldn’t even get the words out.
I don’t know who known as the cops and they seemed to show up pretty swiftly.
Lots of them.
Now I hadda deal with that shit as well.
I couldn’t even get dressed and go wash the blood off.
They would not let me.
Because they were as well busy taking photographs of me and the blood I was wearing.
The 1st issue the cops asked when they got there and saw the bloody mess in the hallway was ‘where is the physique.’
Come on man.
Some dude just broke into my residence for factors unknown in a mask and tried to kill me and freaked the shit out of my roommate.
And now I gotta be interrogated?
I actually just wanted to take a shower and go back to sleep.
I knew sufficient japanese to score with the ladies but I had no idea how to talk to these guys.
It was crazy mojo all the way about…
and I told them what occurred but they kept treating me like the criminal right here.
Which it turned out they presumed me to be.
Due to the fact I stabbed the guy Outdoors of my house.
And I told them that.
Awwwwww fuck.
It is funny how items go that way.
It all made ideal sense at the time.
I did not believe… ‘don’t stab the guy since he’s outside of your property and it is a whole distinct ballgame if you kill him there versus killin’ him in your bedroom according to the law.’
But it was.
That is where I learned it’s usually far better to get in touch with your lawyer prior to you contact the police.
Lawyers are far better at making up stories in the middle of the night than you or I will ever be.
Not that I thought I necessary a story…
it seemed fairly clear what had occurred.
But the ‘lack of a body’ seemed to get everybody upset.
After lots and lots of interrogation I was just advised by the police the next morning that everything would be much better if I just left Japan proper away.
Like now.
Just before I was charged with something like murder.
If they located that guy’s physique.
So I quickly packed up my backpack and decided to take their guidance.
I cleaned up… shared a coffee with the roomie who could talk now and told him I’d hold in touch.
The very best way out I’d figured was the Port of Osaka.
There’s all types of ships comin’ in and out and I knew I could hitch a ride with a single.
Sailors don’t ask also a lot of concerns.
Australia was soundin’ good and I’d told my space mate that prior to I left.
‘I’ll send you a postcard’ I told him.
I couldn’t discover a ship headed to Australia that day… but there was 1 heading to Shanghai and that was like half way according to my map.
I figured I’d hafta try and jump yet another ship right there in Shanghai.
I’d consider about all that when I got there.
When I approached the ship I asked one of the crew memebers if I may well be capable to difficulty them for a ride to Shanghai.
‘Whaddaya got’ of of the sailors mentioned… starting the negotiations over how significantly the fare was gonna cost me.
‘I’m a great story teller’ I mentioned.
Nature morte (Fernand Léger, 1938)
Image by pedrosimoes7
CAM Collection, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal
Oil on Canvas
Inv. PE 127
From Wikipedia
Joseph Fernand Henri Léger (French: [leʒe] February 4, 1881 – August 17, 1955) was a French painter, sculptor, and filmmaker. In his early functions he developed a individual form of cubism which he gradually modified into a a lot more figurative, populist style. His boldly simplified remedy of modern day subject matter has caused him to be regarded as a forerunner of pop art.
Léger was born in Argentan, Orne, Decrease Normandy, exactly where his father raised cattle. Fernand Léger initially educated as an architect from 1897 to 1899, just before moving in 1900 to Paris, exactly where he supported himself as an architectural draftsman. Right after military service in Versailles, Yvelines, in 1902–1903, he enrolled at the School of Decorative Arts following his application to the École des Beaux-Arts was rejected. He nonetheless attended the Beaux-Arts as a non-enrolled student, spending what he described as "three empty and useless years" studying with Gérôme and other individuals, while also studying at the Académie Julian.[1] He started to work seriously as a painter only at the age of 25. At this point his work showed the influence of impressionism, as seen in Le Jardin de ma mère (My Mother’s Garden) of 1905, 1 of the handful of paintings from this period that he did not later destroy. A new emphasis on drawing and geometry appeared in Léger’s operate right after he saw the Cézanne retrospective at the Salon d’Automne in 1907.[two]
A painting of smokers
Les Fumeurs (The Smokers), 1911-12, oil on canvas, 129.2 x 96.5 cm, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
A painting of a woman in blue
La Femme en Bleu (Woman in Blue), 1912, oil on canvas, 193 x 129.9 cm (76 x 51 1/eight inches), Kunstmuseum Basel. Exhibited at the 1912 Salon d’Automne, Paris
Painting of a nude
Nude Model in the Studio (Le modèle nu dans l’atelier), 1912-13, oil on burlap, 128.6 x 95.9 cm, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
In 1909 he moved to Montparnasse and met such leaders of the avant-garde as Archipenko, Lipchitz, Chagall, Joseph Csaky and Robert Delaunay. His significant painting of this period is Nudes in the Forest (1909–10), in which Léger displays a personal form of Cubism that his critics termed "Tubism" for its emphasis on cylindrical forms.[three]
In 1910 he exhibited at the Salon d’Automne in the identical area (salle VIII) with Jean Metzinger and Henri Le Fauconnier. In 1911 the hanging committee of the Salon des Indépendants placed together the painters that would quickly be identified as ‘Cubists’. Metzinger, Gleizes, Le Fauconnier, Delaunay and Léger were accountable for revealing Cubism to the basic public for the initial time as an organized group.
The following year he once more exhibited at the Salon d’Automne and Indépendants with the Cubists, and joined with many artists, which includes Henri Le Fauconnier, Jean Metzinger, Albert Gleizes, Francis Picabia and the Duchamp brothers, Jacques Villon, Raymond Duchamp-Villon and Marcel Duchamp to form the Puteaux Group—also known as the Section d’Or (The Golden Section).
Léger’s paintings, from then until 1914, became increasingly abstract. Their tubular, conical, and cubed forms are laconically rendered in rough patches of primary colors plus green, black and white, as noticed in the series of paintings with the title Contrasting Types. Léger created no use of the collage method pioneered by Braque and Picasso.[4]
Dans L’Usine, 1918, oil on canvas, 56 x 38 cm (22 x 15 in)
The City, 1919, oil on canvas, The Philadelphia Museum of Art, A. E. Gallatin Collection
Léger’s experiences in World War I had a substantial effect on his operate. Mobilized in August 1914 for service in the French Army, he spent two years at the front in Argonne.[5] He developed a lot of sketches of artillery pieces, airplanes, and fellow soldiers although in the trenches, and painted Soldier with a Pipe (1916) while on furlough. In September 1916 he virtually died following a mustard gas attack by the German troops at Verdun. Throughout a period of convalescence in Villepinte he painted The Card Players (1917), a canvas whose robot-like, monstrous figures reflect the ambivalence of his knowledge of war. As he explained:
…I was stunned by the sight of the breech of a 75 millimeter in the sunlight. It was the magic of light on the white metal. That’s all it took for me to forget the abstract art of 1912–1913. The crudeness, range, humor, and downright perfection of specific guys about me, their precise sense of utilitarian reality and its application in the midst of the life-and-death drama we were in … created me want to paint in slang with all its colour and mobility.
This perform marked the starting of his "mechanical period", for the duration of which the figures and objects he painted were characterized by sleekly rendered tubular and machine-like types. Starting in 1918, he also developed the first paintings in the Disk series, in which disks suggestive of targeted traffic lights figure prominently.[7] In December 1919 he married Jeanne-Augustine Lohy, and in 1920 he met Le Corbusier, who would stay a lifelong friend.
Still Life with a Beer Mug, 1921, oil on canvas, the Tate
The "mechanical" operates Léger painted in the 1920s, in their formal clarity as effectively as in their subject matter—the mother and child, the female nude, figures in an ordered landscape—are common of the postwar "return to order" in the arts, and link him to the tradition of French figurative painting represented by Poussin and Corot.[8] In his paysages animés (animated landscapes) of 1921, figures and animals exist harmoniously in landscapes created up of streamlined types. The frontal compositions, firm contours, and smoothly blended colors of these paintings frequently recall the operates of Henri Rousseau, an artist Léger greatly admired and whom he had met in 1909.
They also share traits with the perform of Le Corbusier and Amédée Ozenfant who with each other had founded Purism, a style intended as a rational, mathematically based corrective to the impulsiveness of cubism. Combining the classical with the contemporary, Léger’s Nude on a Red Background (1927) depicts a monumental, expressionless lady, machinelike in form and colour. His still life compositions from this period are dominated by stable, interlocking rectangular formations in vertical and horizontal orientation. The Siphon of 1924, a still life based on an advertisement in the popular press for the aperitif Campari, represents the high-water mark of the Purist aesthetic in Léger’s perform.[9] Its balanced composition and fluted shapes suggestive of classical columns are brought together with a quasi-cinematic close-up of a hand holding a bottle.
As an enthusiast of the modern, Léger was significantly attracted to cinema, and for a time he deemed providing up painting for filmmaking.[ten] In 1923–24 he made the set for the laboratory scene in Marcel L’Herbier’s L’Inhumaine (The Inhuman A single). In 1924, in collaboration with Dudley Murphy, George Antheil, and Man Ray, Léger developed and directed the iconic and Futurism-influenced film, Ballet Mécanique (Mechanical Ballet). Neither abstract nor narrative, it is a series of pictures of a woman’s lips and teeth, close-up shots of ordinary objects, and repeated photos of human activities and machines in rhythmic movement.[11]
In collaboration with Amédée Ozenfant he established a totally free college exactly where he taught from 1924, with Alexandra Exter and Marie Laurencin. He produced the first of his "mural paintings", influenced by Le Corbusier’s theories, in 1925. Intended to be incorporated into polychrome architecture, they are amongst his most abstract paintings, featuring flat regions of color that seem to advance or recede.[12]
Starting in 1927, the character of Léger’s perform steadily changed as organic and irregular types assumed greater significance.[13] The figural style that emerged in the 1930s is totally displayed in the Two Sisters of 1935, and in a number of versions of Adam and Eve.[14] With characteristic humor, he portrayed Adam in a striped bathing suit, or sporting a tattoo.
In 1931, Léger produced his 1st pay a visit to to the United States, exactly where he traveled to New York City and Chicago.[15] In 1935, the Museum of Modern Art in New York City presented an exhibition of his operate. In 1938, Léger was commissioned to decorate Nelson Rockefeller’s apartment.[16]
The War years
In the course of Globe War II Léger lived in the United States. He taught at Yale University, and located inspiration for a new series of paintings in the novel sight of industrial refuse in the landscape. The shock of juxtaposed all-natural forms and mechanical components, the "tons of abandoned machines with flowers cropping up from within, and birds perching on leading of them" exemplified what he known as the "law of contrast".[17] His enthusiasm for such contrasts resulted in such operates as The Tree in the Ladder of 1943–44, and Romantic Landscape of 1946. A significant perform of 1944, 3 Musicians (Museum of Modern day Art, New York), reprises a composition of 1930. A folk-like composition reminiscent of Rousseau, it exploits the law of contrasts in its realistic juxtaposition of the three males and their instruments.
Upon his return to France in 1945, he joined the Communist Party.[18] In the course of this period his perform became less abstract, and he developed numerous monumental figure compositions depicting scenes of well-liked life featuring acrobats, builders, divers, and country outings. Art historian Charlotta Kotik has written that Léger’s "determination to depict the common man, as properly as to develop for him, was a result of socialist theories widespread amongst the avant-garde each prior to and after Globe War II. Even so, Léger’s social conscience was not that of a fierce Marxist, but of a passionate humanist".[19] His varied projects included book illustrations, murals, stained-glass windows, mosaics, polychrome ceramic sculptures, and set and costume styles.
Stained-glass window at the Central University of Venezuela, 1954
Following the death of his wife in 1950, Léger married Nadia Khodossevitch in 1952. In his final years he lectured in Bern, developed mosaics and stained-glass windows for the Central University of Venezuela in Caracas, Venezuela, and painted Country Outing, The Camper, and the series The Big Parade. In 1954 he started a project for a mosaic for the São Paulo Opera, which he would not live to finish. Fernand Léger died at his residence in 1955 and is buried in Gif-sur-Yvette, Essonne.
Léger wrote in 1945 that "the object in contemporary painting must become the major character and overthrow the topic. If, in turn, the human type becomes an object, it can considerably liberate possibilities for the contemporary artist." He elaborated on this concept in his 1949 essay, "How I Conceive the Human Figure", where he wrote that "abstract art came as a total revelation, and then we have been capable to contemplate the human figure as a plastic worth, not as a sentimental value. That is why the human figure has remained willfully inexpressive throughout the evolution of my function".[20] As the 1st painter to take as his idiom the imagery of the machine age, and to make the objects of customer society the subjects of his paintings, Léger has been known as a progenitor of Pop art.[21]
He was active as a teacher for several years. Among his pupils had been Nadir Afonso, Robert Colescott, Paul Georges, Charlotte Gilbertson, Hananiah Harari, Asger Jorn, Michael Loew, Beverly Pepper, Victor Reinganum, Marcel Mouly, George L. K. Morris, René Margotton, Erik Olson, Saloua Raouda Choucair and Charlotte Wankel.
In 1952, a pair of Léger murals was installed in the General Assembly Hall of the United Nations headquarters in New York, New York.[22]
In 1960, the Musée Fernand Léger was opened in Biot, Alpes-Maritimes, France.
In May possibly 2008, his painting, Étude pour la femme en bleu (1912-13) sold for ,241,000 (hammer price tag with buyer’s premium) United States dollars.[23]
In August 2008, a single of Léger’s paintings owned by Wellesley College’s Davis Museum and Cultural Center, Mother and Youngster, was reported missing. It is believed to have disappeared some time between April 9, 2007 and November 19, 2007. A ,000 reward is becoming provided for information that leads to the protected return of the painting.[24]
Léger’s function was featured in the exhibition "Léger: Modern Art and the Metropolis" from October 14, 2013, by way of January 5, 2014, at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.[25]
Square Weave as my new pillow
Image by Monika Hankova
I ultimately had a likelihood to appear into the final German convention book and I discovered out that it is surprisingly effortless to fold from fabric. This weekend I had some time so I tried it and I believe it all turned out quite effectively. It’s all sewed by hand since I didn’t want to wait an additional week to sew it at property where mom has a sewing machine. At least I renewed my sewing skills

Cool Machining Supplier pictures
Some cool machining supplier images:
Australasian Gaming Expo Trade Exhibition, Paltronics
Image by Eva Rinaldi Celebrity and Live Music Photographer
Australasian Gaming Expo report from Sydney; Australia – Day 2
Today was the 2nd day for the most high profile and successful gaming expo in Australia – the Australasian Gaming Expo, which is being hosted by the Sydney Convention Centre at Darling Harbour.
It’s a key time for the gaming industry in Australia with all the regulation elements, responsible gambling initiatives and such, and most of the big boys of the industry were on hand to show off their wares, with some exhibitors demonstrating significant creative flair to help showoff their latest and greatest wares.
Our friends at Human Statue Bodyart had a couple of body models made up in bodypaint (Anastasia as a butterfly and Victoria as a panda) – complete with wings, for leading gaming brand Paltronics and its latest game ‘Jungle Madness’.
The expo centre itself is huge – 15,000 square metres (about the size of an Aussie Rules football oval) and this provided more than ample opportunity for over 750 slot games aka "pokies" to strut their stuff.
The Australasian Gaming Expo is by far the largest event of its type in Australia and one of the world’s biggest.
We learned through the grapevine that a trip for 2 to Las Vegas will be won by a lucky visitor on each of the 3 days of the Expo, and this is compliments of the Gaming Technologies Association which owns the event.
We understand that over 16,000 people have walked through the games thus far, with those in the business being the majority, and no doubt a few punters, checked through the gates (but note that the games on display do not accept coins or notes).
Human Statue Bodyart helps make Paltronics…
Gaming firm Paltronics was once again looking for their fair share of attention by having a few body models made up in forest like bodypaint attire to compliment their selection of games, including the very popular ‘Jungle Madness’.
There’s little doubt that folks Paltronics knew that competitors of sorts, IGT, were going all out with an Elvis promotion (including imitator), and may have also noted their ‘Sex In The City’ promotional stand from last years show.
It’s always good to see Australian companies such as Paltronics take on international giants such as IGT and promotional models are just one of the weapons that gaming companies will continue to employ in the high stakes world of electronic gaming, and the folks from the Human Statue Bodyart creative arts agency certainly helped Paltronics make a positive splash today.
We hear that more bodypainted models are on the cards tomorrow (the 3rd and final day of the expo) so be sure to check the stands, with 11am to 2pm
Shuffle Master promotes The Flintstones Slot…
"We are thrilled to be able to offer such an iconic brand as The Flintstones and we feel confident that it will take center stage at the show," said Adrian Halpenny, President of Shuffle Master Australasia. "Our game development team worked very hard to deliver a final product that demonstrated meticulous attention to detail in order to maintain the high quality and authenticity of the television series. As a result, The Flintstones is a breakthrough product that is not only highly enjoyable to play as a traditional gaming machine, but also brings the much-loved characters to life with entertaining and engaging features."
Since debuting on American television, The Flintstones has endured as one of the most recognized cartoon TV shows of all time and is still shown on TV around the world. The beloved characters of The Flintstones have been a part of our childhoods for decades, and this new game allows us to play and interact with them in new and exciting ways.
Preston Kevin Lewis, Managing Director of Warner Bros. Consumer Products ANZ, said, "It is testament to the enduring nature of The Flintstones brand that the likes of Fred, Barney, Wilma and Betty continue to reach new audiences in diverse areas. Shuffle Master is one of the world’s leading gaming suppliers and we’re sure these fantastic machines will provide consumers with yet another opportunity to fall in love with The Flintstones."
Designed to make a big impact on the gaming floor with its broad appeal, The Flintstones is a three-level standalone progressive, low-denomination product with a suite of exciting base games and attractive jackpot prizes. It also introduces Shuffle Master’s patented new "mini-reel" feature trigger that ignites the player’s anticipation during game play.
The game offers three interactive bonus features that provide players with the chance to win jackpots and credit prizes. Each bonus feature evokes classic scenes from the original TV show, such as the ten-pin challenge at Bedrock Bowl, the family night out at The Drive-In and the antics of Fred Flintstone’s lovable pet dinosaur in Dino’s Dig.
Every element has been carefully crafted to captivate players. The Flintstones will feature themed door trims with matching halo lighting, a unique character marquee with a built-in LCD top box, and re-mastered music and sound effects from the original TV show. The three launch games – Lioness, Peacock Garden and Tiger Power – will be supplemented with more games from Shuffle Master on an ongoing basis to keep the installations fresh and exciting.
Press Release…
IGT Highlights Innovative 3D Gaming Technology and a Star-studded Gaming Lineup at the Australasian Gaming Expo…
LAS VEGAS, Aug. 20, 2012 — International Game Technology (NYSE:IGT), a global leader in casino gaming entertainment and systems technology, announced today it will deliver new industry firsts for Australia’s gaming enthusiasts at the Australasian Gaming Expo (AGE) Aug. 21 – 23 at the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre in Sydney, Australia.
IGT will launch the 3D gaming technology MLD™ (Multi-Layer Display™), paired with the unveiling of one of the world’s most iconic pop culture brands, Elvis The King®. This new title is now available in Australia exclusively on the IGT bluechip Neo® Tower Top cabinet after successful launches in other global markets, along with many new games and products.
"IGT continues to provide our customers with strong game performance, the widest variety of games, the latest in systems innovation and world-class service, all of which will be on display at AGE," said Eric Tom, IGT executive vice president of Global Sales.
"Our research indicates that many players are entertainment seekers who are attracted to iconic brands and IGT delivers this with our pop culture hit Elvis The King®. This game has been adapted to suit the Australasian players’ playing style. The 3D capabilities of MLD with Elvis The King® also provides venues with a strong differentiator as they look to broaden gaming’s appeal and provide something special for players," said Tom. "Elvis The King® is packed with multiple features and number one hits."
IGT’s 3D MLD™ screens take gaming to another dimension in play. The 3D effect is simulated because the content exists on two separate LCD panels; one in front of the other which gives a depth of field, with game elements appearing and moving between the front and back screens. This allows for new game play options and heightened entertainment.
The line-up of over fifty games at AGE reflects IGT’s re-invigorated game design strategy with the legendary performance of games such as Siberian Storm® and Dangerous Beauty®. Additional games debuting at AGE include:
Black Widow® – a low denomination game with a ‘web capture’ feature during free games for the chance to accumulate additional credits.
Dakota Thunder® – featuring the ‘Thunder Shudder’.
A global leader in casino gaming entertainment and systems technology, IGT provides a holistic solution to the industry and its strength in gaming management systems and new interactive technologies will also be showcased at AGE.
The IGT Advantage Club® System will be demonstrated with new technologies such as Service Window, a small window that appears on the left hand side of the screen. The Service Window can be used for personalized player messaging and for service requests, adding a unique level of service for venues with the IGT system. The IGT Advantage Club® system is proving to be a winner with clubs in New South Wales.
IGT will again be playing host to industry experts who will present a range of topics including game floor design, customer service and systems. For more details on the free business seminar sessions visit www.igt.com.au/AGE12.
About IGT
International Game Technology (NYSE: IGT) is a global leader in casino gaming entertainment and continues to transform the industry by translating casino player experiences to social, mobile and interactive environments for regulated markets around the world. IGT’s recent acquisition of Double Down Interactive provides engaging casino style entertainment to more than 5 million players monthly. More information about IGT is available at www.IGT.com or connect with IGT at @IGTNews or www.facebook.com/IGT.
© EPE, Reg. U.S. Pat & TM O_.
Dangerous Beauty and Black Widow were created by High 5 Games. For more information on High 5 Games, go to www.High5games.com
Pure Depth™, MLD®, Multi-Layer Display® and Actual Depth™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Pure Depth, Inc. All other trademarks are registered trademarks or the property of their respective owners without the intent to infringe. www.puredepth.com. All trademarks or registered trademarks are owned by IGT (Australia) Pty. Limited or its related entities. All information is subject to change without notice. Game type availability is subject to jurisdictional approval.
Australasian Gaming Expo
Gaming Technologies Association
PALtronics Australasia
Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre
Human Statue Bodyart
Human Statue Bodyart Flickr
Eva Rinaldi Photography Flickr
Australasian Gaming Expo Trade Exhibition, Paltronics
Image by Eva Rinaldi Celebrity and Live Music Photographer
Australasian Gaming Expo report from Sydney; Australia – Day 2
Today was the 2nd day for the most high profile and successful gaming expo in Australia – the Australasian Gaming Expo, which is being hosted by the Sydney Convention Centre at Darling Harbour.
It’s a key time for the gaming industry in Australia with all the regulation elements, responsible gambling initiatives and such, and most of the big boys of the industry were on hand to show off their wares, with some exhibitors demonstrating significant creative flair to help showoff their latest and greatest wares.
Our friends at Human Statue Bodyart had a couple of body models made up in bodypaint (Anastasia as a butterfly and Victoria as a panda) – complete with wings, for leading gaming brand Paltronics and its latest game ‘Jungle Madness’.
The expo centre itself is huge – 15,000 square metres (about the size of an Aussie Rules football oval) and this provided more than ample opportunity for over 750 slot games aka "pokies" to strut their stuff.
The Australasian Gaming Expo is by far the largest event of its type in Australia and one of the world’s biggest.
We learned through the grapevine that a trip for 2 to Las Vegas will be won by a lucky visitor on each of the 3 days of the Expo, and this is compliments of the Gaming Technologies Association which owns the event.
We understand that over 16,000 people have walked through the games thus far, with those in the business being the majority, and no doubt a few punters, checked through the gates (but note that the games on display do not accept coins or notes).
Human Statue Bodyart helps make Paltronics…
Gaming firm Paltronics was once again looking for their fair share of attention by having a few body models made up in forest like bodypaint attire to compliment their selection of games, including the very popular ‘Jungle Madness’.
There’s little doubt that folks Paltronics knew that competitors of sorts, IGT, were going all out with an Elvis promotion (including imitator), and may have also noted their ‘Sex In The City’ promotional stand from last years show.
It’s always good to see Australian companies such as Paltronics take on international giants such as IGT and promotional models are just one of the weapons that gaming companies will continue to employ in the high stakes world of electronic gaming, and the folks from the Human Statue Bodyart creative arts agency certainly helped Paltronics make a positive splash today.
We hear that more bodypainted models are on the cards tomorrow (the 3rd and final day of the expo) so be sure to check the stands, with 11am to 2pm
Shuffle Master promotes The Flintstones Slot…
"We are thrilled to be able to offer such an iconic brand as The Flintstones and we feel confident that it will take center stage at the show," said Adrian Halpenny, President of Shuffle Master Australasia. "Our game development team worked very hard to deliver a final product that demonstrated meticulous attention to detail in order to maintain the high quality and authenticity of the television series. As a result, The Flintstones is a breakthrough product that is not only highly enjoyable to play as a traditional gaming machine, but also brings the much-loved characters to life with entertaining and engaging features."
Since debuting on American television, The Flintstones has endured as one of the most recognized cartoon TV shows of all time and is still shown on TV around the world. The beloved characters of The Flintstones have been a part of our childhoods for decades, and this new game allows us to play and interact with them in new and exciting ways.
Preston Kevin Lewis, Managing Director of Warner Bros. Consumer Products ANZ, said, "It is testament to the enduring nature of The Flintstones brand that the likes of Fred, Barney, Wilma and Betty continue to reach new audiences in diverse areas. Shuffle Master is one of the world’s leading gaming suppliers and we’re sure these fantastic machines will provide consumers with yet another opportunity to fall in love with The Flintstones."
Designed to make a big impact on the gaming floor with its broad appeal, The Flintstones is a three-level standalone progressive, low-denomination product with a suite of exciting base games and attractive jackpot prizes. It also introduces Shuffle Master’s patented new "mini-reel" feature trigger that ignites the player’s anticipation during game play.
The game offers three interactive bonus features that provide players with the chance to win jackpots and credit prizes. Each bonus feature evokes classic scenes from the original TV show, such as the ten-pin challenge at Bedrock Bowl, the family night out at The Drive-In and the antics of Fred Flintstone’s lovable pet dinosaur in Dino’s Dig.
Every element has been carefully crafted to captivate players. The Flintstones will feature themed door trims with matching halo lighting, a unique character marquee with a built-in LCD top box, and re-mastered music and sound effects from the original TV show. The three launch games – Lioness, Peacock Garden and Tiger Power – will be supplemented with more games from Shuffle Master on an ongoing basis to keep the installations fresh and exciting.
Press Release…
IGT Highlights Innovative 3D Gaming Technology and a Star-studded Gaming Lineup at the Australasian Gaming Expo…
LAS VEGAS, Aug. 20, 2012 — International Game Technology (NYSE:IGT), a global leader in casino gaming entertainment and systems technology, announced today it will deliver new industry firsts for Australia’s gaming enthusiasts at the Australasian Gaming Expo (AGE) Aug. 21 – 23 at the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre in Sydney, Australia.
IGT will launch the 3D gaming technology MLD™ (Multi-Layer Display™), paired with the unveiling of one of the world’s most iconic pop culture brands, Elvis The King®. This new title is now available in Australia exclusively on the IGT bluechip Neo® Tower Top cabinet after successful launches in other global markets, along with many new games and products.
"IGT continues to provide our customers with strong game performance, the widest variety of games, the latest in systems innovation and world-class service, all of which will be on display at AGE," said Eric Tom, IGT executive vice president of Global Sales.
"Our research indicates that many players are entertainment seekers who are attracted to iconic brands and IGT delivers this with our pop culture hit Elvis The King®. This game has been adapted to suit the Australasian players’ playing style. The 3D capabilities of MLD with Elvis The King® also provides venues with a strong differentiator as they look to broaden gaming’s appeal and provide something special for players," said Tom. "Elvis The King® is packed with multiple features and number one hits."
IGT’s 3D MLD™ screens take gaming to another dimension in play. The 3D effect is simulated because the content exists on two separate LCD panels; one in front of the other which gives a depth of field, with game elements appearing and moving between the front and back screens. This allows for new game play options and heightened entertainment.
The line-up of over fifty games at AGE reflects IGT’s re-invigorated game design strategy with the legendary performance of games such as Siberian Storm® and Dangerous Beauty®. Additional games debuting at AGE include:
Black Widow® – a low denomination game with a ‘web capture’ feature during free games for the chance to accumulate additional credits.
Dakota Thunder® – featuring the ‘Thunder Shudder’.
A global leader in casino gaming entertainment and systems technology, IGT provides a holistic solution to the industry and its strength in gaming management systems and new interactive technologies will also be showcased at AGE.
The IGT Advantage Club® System will be demonstrated with new technologies such as Service Window, a small window that appears on the left hand side of the screen. The Service Window can be used for personalized player messaging and for service requests, adding a unique level of service for venues with the IGT system. The IGT Advantage Club® system is proving to be a winner with clubs in New South Wales.
IGT will again be playing host to industry experts who will present a range of topics including game floor design, customer service and systems. For more details on the free business seminar sessions visit www.igt.com.au/AGE12.
About IGT
International Game Technology (NYSE: IGT) is a global leader in casino gaming entertainment and continues to transform the industry by translating casino player experiences to social, mobile and interactive environments for regulated markets around the world. IGT’s recent acquisition of Double Down Interactive provides engaging casino style entertainment to more than 5 million players monthly. More information about IGT is available at www.IGT.com or connect with IGT at @IGTNews or www.facebook.com/IGT.
© EPE, Reg. U.S. Pat & TM O_.
Dangerous Beauty and Black Widow were created by High 5 Games. For more information on High 5 Games, go to www.High5games.com
Pure Depth™, MLD®, Multi-Layer Display® and Actual Depth™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Pure Depth, Inc. All other trademarks are registered trademarks or the property of their respective owners without the intent to infringe. www.puredepth.com. All trademarks or registered trademarks are owned by IGT (Australia) Pty. Limited or its related entities. All information is subject to change without notice. Game type availability is subject to jurisdictional approval.
Australasian Gaming Expo
Gaming Technologies Association
PALtronics Australasia
Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre
Human Statue Bodyart
Human Statue Bodyart Flickr
Eva Rinaldi Photography Flickr
Australasian Gaming Expo Trade Exhibition, Paltronics
Image by Eva Rinaldi Celebrity and Live Music Photographer
Australasian Gaming Expo report from Sydney; Australia – Day 2
Today was the 2nd day for the most high profile and successful gaming expo in Australia – the Australasian Gaming Expo, which is being hosted by the Sydney Convention Centre at Darling Harbour.
It’s a key time for the gaming industry in Australia with all the regulation elements, responsible gambling initiatives and such, and most of the big boys of the industry were on hand to show off their wares, with some exhibitors demonstrating significant creative flair to help showoff their latest and greatest wares.
Our friends at Human Statue Bodyart had a couple of body models made up in bodypaint (Anastasia as a butterfly and Victoria as a panda) – complete with wings, for leading gaming brand Paltronics and its latest game ‘Jungle Madness’.
The expo centre itself is huge – 15,000 square metres (about the size of an Aussie Rules football oval) and this provided more than ample opportunity for over 750 slot games aka "pokies" to strut their stuff.
The Australasian Gaming Expo is by far the largest event of its type in Australia and one of the world’s biggest.
We learned through the grapevine that a trip for 2 to Las Vegas will be won by a lucky visitor on each of the 3 days of the Expo, and this is compliments of the Gaming Technologies Association which owns the event.
We understand that over 16,000 people have walked through the games thus far, with those in the business being the majority, and no doubt a few punters, checked through the gates (but note that the games on display do not accept coins or notes).
Human Statue Bodyart helps make Paltronics…
Gaming firm Paltronics was once again looking for their fair share of attention by having a few body models made up in forest like bodypaint attire to compliment their selection of games, including the very popular ‘Jungle Madness’.
There’s little doubt that folks Paltronics knew that competitors of sorts, IGT, were going all out with an Elvis promotion (including imitator), and may have also noted their ‘Sex In The City’ promotional stand from last years show.
It’s always good to see Australian companies such as Paltronics take on international giants such as IGT and promotional models are just one of the weapons that gaming companies will continue to employ in the high stakes world of electronic gaming, and the folks from the Human Statue Bodyart creative arts agency certainly helped Paltronics make a positive splash today.
We hear that more bodypainted models are on the cards tomorrow (the 3rd and final day of the expo) so be sure to check the stands, with 11am to 2pm
Shuffle Master promotes The Flintstones Slot…
"We are thrilled to be able to offer such an iconic brand as The Flintstones and we feel confident that it will take center stage at the show," said Adrian Halpenny, President of Shuffle Master Australasia. "Our game development team worked very hard to deliver a final product that demonstrated meticulous attention to detail in order to maintain the high quality and authenticity of the television series. As a result, The Flintstones is a breakthrough product that is not only highly enjoyable to play as a traditional gaming machine, but also brings the much-loved characters to life with entertaining and engaging features."
Since debuting on American television, The Flintstones has endured as one of the most recognized cartoon TV shows of all time and is still shown on TV around the world. The beloved characters of The Flintstones have been a part of our childhoods for decades, and this new game allows us to play and interact with them in new and exciting ways.
Preston Kevin Lewis, Managing Director of Warner Bros. Consumer Products ANZ, said, "It is testament to the enduring nature of The Flintstones brand that the likes of Fred, Barney, Wilma and Betty continue to reach new audiences in diverse areas. Shuffle Master is one of the world’s leading gaming suppliers and we’re sure these fantastic machines will provide consumers with yet another opportunity to fall in love with The Flintstones."
Designed to make a big impact on the gaming floor with its broad appeal, The Flintstones is a three-level standalone progressive, low-denomination product with a suite of exciting base games and attractive jackpot prizes. It also introduces Shuffle Master’s patented new "mini-reel" feature trigger that ignites the player’s anticipation during game play.
The game offers three interactive bonus features that provide players with the chance to win jackpots and credit prizes. Each bonus feature evokes classic scenes from the original TV show, such as the ten-pin challenge at Bedrock Bowl, the family night out at The Drive-In and the antics of Fred Flintstone’s lovable pet dinosaur in Dino’s Dig.
Every element has been carefully crafted to captivate players. The Flintstones will feature themed door trims with matching halo lighting, a unique character marquee with a built-in LCD top box, and re-mastered music and sound effects from the original TV show. The three launch games – Lioness, Peacock Garden and Tiger Power – will be supplemented with more games from Shuffle Master on an ongoing basis to keep the installations fresh and exciting.
Press Release…
IGT Highlights Innovative 3D Gaming Technology and a Star-studded Gaming Lineup at the Australasian Gaming Expo…
LAS VEGAS, Aug. 20, 2012 — International Game Technology (NYSE:IGT), a global leader in casino gaming entertainment and systems technology, announced today it will deliver new industry firsts for Australia’s gaming enthusiasts at the Australasian Gaming Expo (AGE) Aug. 21 – 23 at the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre in Sydney, Australia.
IGT will launch the 3D gaming technology MLD™ (Multi-Layer Display™), paired with the unveiling of one of the world’s most iconic pop culture brands, Elvis The King®. This new title is now available in Australia exclusively on the IGT bluechip Neo® Tower Top cabinet after successful launches in other global markets, along with many new games and products.
"IGT continues to provide our customers with strong game performance, the widest variety of games, the latest in systems innovation and world-class service, all of which will be on display at AGE," said Eric Tom, IGT executive vice president of Global Sales.
"Our research indicates that many players are entertainment seekers who are attracted to iconic brands and IGT delivers this with our pop culture hit Elvis The King®. This game has been adapted to suit the Australasian players’ playing style. The 3D capabilities of MLD with Elvis The King® also provides venues with a strong differentiator as they look to broaden gaming’s appeal and provide something special for players," said Tom. "Elvis The King® is packed with multiple features and number one hits."
IGT’s 3D MLD™ screens take gaming to another dimension in play. The 3D effect is simulated because the content exists on two separate LCD panels; one in front of the other which gives a depth of field, with game elements appearing and moving between the front and back screens. This allows for new game play options and heightened entertainment.
The line-up of over fifty games at AGE reflects IGT’s re-invigorated game design strategy with the legendary performance of games such as Siberian Storm® and Dangerous Beauty®. Additional games debuting at AGE include:
Black Widow® – a low denomination game with a ‘web capture’ feature during free games for the chance to accumulate additional credits.
Dakota Thunder® – featuring the ‘Thunder Shudder’.
A global leader in casino gaming entertainment and systems technology, IGT provides a holistic solution to the industry and its strength in gaming management systems and new interactive technologies will also be showcased at AGE.
The IGT Advantage Club® System will be demonstrated with new technologies such as Service Window, a small window that appears on the left hand side of the screen. The Service Window can be used for personalized player messaging and for service requests, adding a unique level of service for venues with the IGT system. The IGT Advantage Club® system is proving to be a winner with clubs in New South Wales.
IGT will again be playing host to industry experts who will present a range of topics including game floor design, customer service and systems. For more details on the free business seminar sessions visit www.igt.com.au/AGE12.
About IGT
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Human Statue Bodyart
Human Statue Bodyart Flickr
Eva Rinaldi Photography Flickr

Good Precision Machining Business photos
A couple of good precision machining business images I found:
Image from web page 1050 of “Electrical planet” (1883)
Image by Web Archive Book Pictures
Identifier: electricalworld43newy
Title: Electrical world
Year: 1883 (1880s)
Subjects: Electrical engineering
Publisher: [New York McGraw-Hill Pub. Co., and so on.]
Contributing Library: Engineering – University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto
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he Regular Underground CableCompany near the northwest corner entrance. The installation of ing was in its infancy. About the walls of the exhibit spaces arehung photographs of the pioneers and their early perform. The Jumbodynamo, produced by the Edison Machine Performs, direct-connected toa higher-speed engine, forms an intriguing comparison with themodel of the General Electric io,ooo-hp Niagara generator, which 1036 ELECTRICAL World and ENGINEER. Vol. XLIII, Xo. 22 is across the aisle. The 1st Edison electric locomotive vith itspassenger vehicle shows in a graphic way the progress in transportationmade given that 1880. The photograph of the British section reveals the splendid displayof electrical and scientific instruments made by the English manu-facturers. Most of these instruments have been tested and havecertificates from Lord Kelvins laboratory or the National PhysicalLaboratory. The General Post Workplace makes an excellent displayof the telegraphic apparatus used in Great Britain. Kelvin and
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FIG. six.—ENGLISH EXHIBIT. James White, of Glasgow, and Muirhead & Co., of Kent, have casesof galvanometers, condensers, normal cells, ammeters, voltmetersand other instruments of precision. In the foreground may possibly beseen a working model of Behrs monorail and higher-speed car asauthorized by act of Parliament for the railway in between Manchesterand Liverpool, to be operated at a speed of no miles per hour. The greater element of the sp-ace of the Wagner Electric Business, ofSt. Louis, in Section 9. is occupied by the different applications ofsingle-phase alternating-existing motors. This consists of the standardform, enclosed, semi-enclosed and back-geared varieties, from }4 to 35hp. The notable function of these motors is their beginning below
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Image from page 150 of “Life in a tank” (1918)
Image by World wide web Archive Book Images
Identifier: lifeintank00haig
Title: Life in a tank
Year: 1918 (1910s)
Authors: Haigh, Richard, b. 1895
Subjects: Globe War, 1914-1918
Publisher: Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin company
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: The Library of Congress
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ajor, who had been standing on the edgeof the field, walked forward to inspect. Every morning was spent in this manner,except for those who had unique courses tofollow. We devoted all our time and attentionto Forming Fours in as ideal a manner aspossible to saluting with the greatest accuracyand fierceness and to unwearying repetitionof each and every movement and detail, until machine-like precision was attained. All that we had been performing then is the veryfoundation and essence of good discipline. Dis-cipline is the state to which a man is trained,in order that beneath all situations he shallcarry out with no secondary reasoning anyorder that may possibly be given him by a superior.There is nothing of a servile nature in this formof obedience. Each man realizes that it is forthe great of the entire. By putting his implicitconfidence in the commands of 1 of a higherrank than his own, he gives an earnest of hisability to himself command at some futuretime. It is but an additional proof of the old adage, 124
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Rest and Discipline that the man who obeys least is the least fittedto command. When this war began, specific large forma-tions, with the sheer lust for fighting in theirblood, did not, although being formed, understand theabsolute necessity of unending drill and in-spection. Their initial cry was, Give us arifle, a bayonet, and a bomb, show us how touse them, and we will do the rest. Actingupon this concept, they flung themselves into bat-tle, disregarding the iron guidelines of a preliminarytraining. At first their extremely impetus and cour-age carried them more than incredible obstacles.But after a time, and as their ideal had been killedoff, the original blaze died down, and the steadyflame of ingrained discipline was not thereto take the place of burning enthusiasm. Theterrible waste and useless sacrifice that ensuedshowed only also plainly that even the wonderful-est person bravery is not sufficient. In this modern day warfare there are several trialsand experiences unimagined just before, whichwear down the actual will-pow
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Image from web page 561 of “American engineer” (1912)
Image by Net Archive Book Pictures
Identifier: americanengineer861newy
Title: American engineer
Year: 1912 (1910s)
Subjects: Railroad engineering Engineering Railroads Railroad automobiles
Publisher: New York, N.Y. : Simmons-Boardman Pub. Co
Contributing Library: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation
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anager should give it their endorsement and ap-proval. Guys are fast to notice whether a new plan is backedor not, and human nature is such that, without proper backing,the greatest technique might fail via neglect to conscientiously fol-low its principles. As we view it this system forces everyone to do his duty.The man in authority who desires a method which will force each-physique else to do his duty but leave him free of charge to do as he pleasesis as well often evident such a man could not introduce this systemsuccessfully obtaining when endorsed it he also need to reside up to thedates and schedules. Unquestionably this perform will turn into moreand a lot more well-liked in railway repair shops the principles involvedcan be applied to the car shop as to the locomotive shop, andto the small or tbe big shop. High SPEED METAL CUTTINGMACHINE A machine using a flat saw blade which will reduce via a 6in. diameter bar of machinery steel in 20 minutes, or througha 12 in. I-beam in ten minutes, leaving a face whicli is true and
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High Speed Metal Saw. October, 1912. AMERICAN ENGINEER. 541 square, is getting built by the Racine Tool & Machine Firm,Racine Junction, Wis. It is a improvement of a power hack sawcarricil to a point where it becomes a tool of precision and canbe classed witli other high grade machine tools. Even though it usesa saw blade, the frame carrying it is remarkably rigid and iscarried by a support, so designed as to avert any possibilityor tendency for movement outdoors of the accurate vertical plane.The cutting is performed by the draw stroke and the blade islifted clear on the return stroke. A geared circulating pump ap-plies a cutting compound to the blade whilst in operation, allow-ing it to be run efficiently at high speed. The macliinc consists of a substantial base on wliicli is mountedthe vise for carrying the perform and the frame carrying the driv-ing mechanism. The vise is arranged to swivel at any angle upto 45 deg., and has a capacity for cutting an 11 in. bar at thisangle. The saw fram
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Good Turning Machining pictures
Some cool turning machining photos:
Lovecats discover Japan-licious incl. Orientation Island from HELL, REC FollowCam, & Sketch Sky Pens finale on Saturday 70
Image by ▓▒░ TORLEY ░▒▓
Ultra! Ultra! Read all about it!
Lovecats explore Japan-licious incl. Orientation Island from HELL, REC FollowCam, & Sketch Sky Pens finale on Saturday 77
Image by ▓▒░ TORLEY ░▒▓
Ultra! Ultra! Read all about it!
Southwold Pier and Rocks
Image by -RobW-
Em’s household has been going to Southwold on vacation for at least 4 generations. I’ve never ever been, but I genuinely liked it. Beautiful town, quite surrounding villages, immaculate and quirky pier with some great handmade mad slot machines (which includes some designed by Brighton’s personal and awesome Sarah Angliss), a placing green on which I got a hole in a single (BOOYAH) and amazing birdwatching (saw a hobby, my favourite bird as a child, and but one I’d never ever noticed then!).
Of course, with an excitable 3 month old, I didn’t get a lot of a opportunity to strategy any trips just for photography, but I nipped out for an hour 1 windy day to attempt out the complete classic "long exposure of sea" shots.
A bloke came up to me while I was setting up a single of these shots to chat about the technique – bloke, if you check Flickr out, the a single I was setting up is this a single here if you want to see how it turned out :o)
You might be asking yourself about the weird effects there is an explanation on this shot.
I posted this very first as it has the very best Southwoldy atmosphere, but I think the under the pier shot is my favourite artistically.
Any Southwoldophiles keep tuned, I also have a few night time shots to place up!

Good Precision Machining Company photographs
Check out these precision machining firm pictures:
Image from web page 243 of “Canadian machinery and metalworking (January-June 1913)” (1913)
Image by Internet Archive Book Photos
Identifier: canmachinerjanjun1913toro
Title: Canadian machinery and metalworking (January-June 1913)
Year: 1913 (1910s)
Subjects: Machinery Machinery Machinery
Publisher: Toronto MacLean-Hunter
Contributing Library: Fisher – University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: Algoma University, Trent University, Lakehead University, Laurentian University, Nipissing University, Ryerson University and University of Toronto Libraries
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Grade Tools. Catalogue Ma/led on Application. Union Twist Drill Firm The Drill and Cutter Makers Athol, Mass., U.S.A. New York Store: 54 Warren St., E. W. McKeen. Boston Agents: 25 Obtain St., E. T. Ward & Sons. Philadelphia Shop: TheBourse. Chicago Store: 547 W. Washington Blvd., E. Lagerholm, Mgr. Foreign Agents: France, Alfred H. Schutte, 22-24 Ruede Petits Hotel, Paris. England: Chas. Neat & Co., 112 Queen Victoria St., London. Agents for Sweden: Wllh. Sonesson & Co.,Malmo, Stockholm and Gothenburg. Agents for Denmark, Norway and Finland: Aktieselskabet Wilh. Sonesson & Co., Copen-hagen City and Freeport, Australia Bevan & Edwards Pty., Ltd., 117-129 King St., Melbourne. Agents for Germany: Schmidt &Clemens, Frankfort a.M. Japan: Takata & Co., Yokohama. H. W. Petrie, Ltd., Toronto and Montreal, Canada. The advertiser would like to know exactly where you saw his advertisement—tell him. 16 CANADIAN MACHINERY Volume IX. LANDIS PRECISION GRINDING MACHINES
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Image from page 305 of “Railway and locomotive engineering : a practical journal of railway motive power and rolling stock” (1901)
Image by Internet Archive Book Photos
Identifier: railwaylocomotiv29newy
Title: Railway and locomotive engineering : a sensible journal of railway motive energy and rolling stock
Year: 1901 (1900s)
Subjects: Railroads Locomotives
Publisher: New York : A. Sinclair Co
Contributing Library: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation
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er examination. A prominent railroad manager attrib-utes his accomplishment in life to the spurring upto do anything for himself receivedfrom R.mlway and LocoMOTrvE Engin-eering. Do you want to advance and impro cyour condition? R.mlway and Locomo-Tm Engineering has helped many menand can support you. Its columns are complete oibright factors each and every month, and there i>nothing just as great published. Be sensible and send in your name with.00 to this workplace or give it to our nearestagent. 302 RAILWAY AND LOCOMOTIVE EXGINEEKIXG. ScptcmbiT, 1016. Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting Illustrations of Operations and Fees Xo bctti-r illustration cniiUl be yiven ofthe adaptability of the use of the oxy-acetylene in cutting metals than in theappliance shown in Fig. 1. and identified asthe Oxy.yrapb. s inrlooted I, ibr types uf slotting machines. In additionto the machine as shown, it is equippedwith an electrically propelled rollingtri-icer, which can be guided along theliins of a drawing, and the cutting flame
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l-JG. 1. EV Ol– O.XYGRAPH IN OPERATIOX. Davis-Bournunville Business it will reduce or flarncs will make an exact reproduc-steel many inches in thickness at the tion of one-half the dimensions of therate of from six to twelve inches per drawing. The cut m.ide Ijy the flame isminute. Its capacity is such that it read-ily replaces a number of of the most potent narrow and completely smooth, and themovement in curves or acute angles isperfect, and is of excellent benefit wher-ever steel is reduce in irregular forms. Themotor energy required to move the ap-paratus i.s- of the lightest sort, an electriclamp coimection or little battery beingsidVuient. -s shown in the illustration itma be furnished with a double panto-graph fraine, litted with two cuttingtorches for producing duplicate cuts at thesame time, and is particularly made lorheavy function. In point of precision itcannot be approaclied by hand work, asthe operator does not need to comenear the torch or torches, his work beingto guide the
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Image from page 317 of “Illustrated catalogue and basic description of enhanced machine tools for working metal” (1899)
Image by Internet Archive Book Images
Identifier: illustratedcatal00sell
Title: Illustrated catalogue and general description of enhanced machine tools for working metal
Year: 1899 (1890s)
Authors: Sellers, William, & co. [from old catalog]
Subjects: Machine-tools Machinery
Publisher: Philadephia, Levytype organization
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: The Library of Congress
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HYDRAULIC-Assistance TESTING-MACHINE. Maximum Capacity, 500,000 lbs. Ratio from major weighing-platen to point of indicator needle in scale-case,300,000: I. Used for calibrating the hydraulic supports of all new testing ma-chines, and adjusting the poise weights with wonderful precision. Extremely sensi-tive, 200 grains on major platform will place in motion 20,000 lbs. of levers andplatforms, and deflect scale needle. No reduction of sensitiveness when fullyloaded. 312 Wm. Sellers & Co., Incorporated, Philadelphia, Pa. putting them on or taking them oflf, without having handling, is peculiar to the Emery-method. Suspended from this lever, E, at suitable intervals by thin fulcrumplates, are poise frames, N, consisting of an upper cross-head, ^, and a lowercross-head, T, united by three vertical bars disposed at equal intervals about thecross-heads. Fig. I.
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These bars are provided on their inner faces with quick projecting brackets,V, possessing a horizontal surface and a bevelled surface corresponding with similarsurfaces formed on the weights h, which are quick cylinders or rings with bevellededges the weights are carried by the flat surfaces and centred by the bevelledsurfaces. A weight-frame, M, for carrying the weights when not in use, ofsimilar building, has its 3 vertical bracketed bars alternating with the barsof the poise-frame this weight-frame is guided, and is raised and lowered in avertical line with out touching the poise-frame, b} a rock shaft and a hand-levercoupled to the rod projecting from the cross-head R. The brackets on the weight-frame bars are differently spaced from those on the poise-frame, and when theweight-frame is at the prime of its stroke, it carries all of the weights clear of thepoise-frame a little movement downwards transfers 1 weight to the poise-frame, the bevelled surfaces on the brackets ce
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