Cool Custom Metal Machining pictures

Cool Custom Metal Machining pictures

A couple of nice custom metal machining photos I found:

Road Shark
custom metal machining
Image by Hammerhead27

1981 Auto Craft Street Machine Nationals
custom metal machining
Image by ATOMIC Hot Links
Taken with my old ROLLIE ROLLIFLEX 35 MM SLR with a 50mm lens@ the L.A. Conty fairgrounds in Pomona Ca.

1981 Car Craft Street Machine Nationals
custom metal machining
Image by ATOMIC Hot Hyperlinks
Taken with my old ROLLIE ROLLIFLEX 35 MM SLR with a 50mm lens@ the L.A. Conty fairgrounds in Pomona Ca.

Nice Machining photos

Nice Machining photos

Some cool machining China images:

Machine /// Red Vector Thoughts

Image by Vector Hugo
Welcome to the machine | Pink Floyd
Made with Adobe Illustrator/

10. clear screen
20. print “work”
30. print “consume”
40. print “sleep”
50. goto 20

// Please Wait. Executing Routine . . . //

M60 machine gun

Image by Konabish ~ Greg Bishop
An M60 machine gun aboard a Navy patrol craft. M13 Links connect the rounds together and allow them to be fed into the firearm. Every fifth round has an orange tip, indicating that those rounds are tracer ammunition.

This Patrol craft is from Shore Boat Unit One Seven (SBU-17), at San Diego Bay, providing port security for all naval vessels in San Diego harbor; part of the Navy’s force protection measures. If you’ve been in a civilian boat that gets too close to a US Navy ships, installation, etc., you likely saw this weapon… up close.