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Image from web page 196 of “Railway mechanical engineer” (1916)

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Identifier: railwaymechanica94newy
Title: Railway mechanical engineer
Year: 1916 (1910s)
Subjects: Railroad engineering Engineering Railroads Railroad vehicles
Publisher: New York, N.Y. : Simmons-Boardman Pub. Co
Contributing Library: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation
View Book Web page: Book Viewer
About This Book: Catalog Entry
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be quickly applied to anymachine tool in the shop. Numerous machine shop tools arenot equipped with a pan and pump, due to the fact they are usedmostly for operating on grey iron, but sometimes the ma-chine might be utilized on malleable iron or steel, in which casea coolant is crucial for the very best outcomes. In such instances, theportable unit illustrated can be utilized to excellent benefit.It might also be employed on machines currently supplied with acoolant method, which for some explanation or other is out oforder. In this emergency the portable method shown can be instantly brought into spot and production will notbe interrupted. The Fulllo pump illustrated is a comprehensive, self-containedsystem, requiring practically nothing but attaching the motor cord tothe lump socket. The total height from the floor is only14 in., which pennits its getting rolled below any ordinarylathe, as shown in the illustration. Provision is made forattaching additional splash boards when necessary. Thepump and motor are completely covered, thus affording
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Fulflo Transportable Lubricating Unit Utilised with Turret Lathe ample protection from each liquids and dust. The outfitcan be utilised on grinding machines as w-ell as on lathes,milling machines, drill presses, gear cutters, and so forth. Thereis only one particular moving portion in the pump namely, the impeller,which has no metal get in touch with, and therefore cannot put on outquickly. It is packed with metallic packing which willnot reduce the shaft. The bearings are effectively lubricated, andsince the shaft is hardened and ground, long, continuedservice may possibly be anticipated. MULTI GRADUATED PRECISION GRINDER It has Ijeen difficult in the previous to machine screw threadsurfaces with the exact same accuracy obtained in machiningcylindrical, flat or spherical surfaces. On account of thisfact, it has been difficult to make master thread gages and themachine illustrated was made for this purpose by thePrecision & Thread Grinder Manufacturing Business, Phil-adelphia, Pa. It can be used in conjunction with anymachine tool and is adaptable to a variety
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Image from page 585 of “Railway mechanical engineer” (1916)

Image by Net Archive Book Images
Identifier: railwaymechanica90newy
Title: Railway mechanical engineer
Year: 1916 (1910s)
Subjects: Railroad engineering Engineering Railroads Railroad automobiles
Publisher: New York, N.Y. : Simmons-Boardman Pub. Co
Contributing Library: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation
View Book Web page: Book Viewer
About This Book: Catalog Entry
View All Photos: All Images From Book
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Tool for Truing Grinding Wheels.—The diamond tool is the most efficient signifies for truing theface of grinding wheels for precision work so far discovered.The reasons are: Diamonds or bortz are tougher than thewheel to be trued they are obtainable in adequate quantitiesto meet the demand: they give a indicates of creating thewheel a accurate cylinder and at the same time give anykind of wheel service desired they lend themselves to areasonably effortless setting and are conveniently applied to thework, and the waste of the wheel is negligible.—Grits andGrinds. TRIANGLE FOR USE IN TRACING BY HUGH G. BOUTELL The accompaning sketch shows a triangle which was de-veloped by the writer and has proved specifically helpful intracing function where speed is crucial. It is made up of two45-deg. triangles, one sufficient bigger than the other so thatit projects about J4 in- on all three sides. The two trianglesare held together with Le Pages glue. In tracing, considerable care is essential to slide an ordi-
Text Appearing Right after Image:
Handy Triangle for Use in Tracing nary triangle up to a freshly inked line without touching thewet ink. In the double triangle, the j4-in. projection of theupper part obviates the danger of blotting the tracing. Italso permits greater lateral freedom of the ruling pen andmakes possible much better matching up of straight lines andcurves. Railroad Coal Consumption.—The railroads of theUnited States used 128,200,000 net tons of coal in 1915.This amounts to about 24 per cent of the total output. Thebituminous mines furnished 122,000,000 tons, which is 28per cent of their production, and the Pennsylvania hard coalregions supplied six,200,000 tons, approximately 7 per centof the total production. Size of Steam Pipes for Reciprocating Engines.—Size of steam pipes for reciprocating engines operating atfull stroke might be determined by comparing the diameterof the cylinder squared and multiplied by the piston speedper minute with the diameter, assumed, for the steam pipesquared and multiplied
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Please note that these pictures are extracted from scanned page pictures that could have been digitally enhanced for readability – coloration and look of these illustrations could not perfectly resemble the original function.
Masonic Mosaic Pavement and Indented Skirting at Scarborough Temple – Scarboro Lodge 653

Image by antefixus21
This Masonic temple was sold in 2010. As a outcome all of the Masonic Lodges who met at this temple have had to relocate to other temples till a new temple has been constructed. That constructing is now a mosque.
The Mosaic Pavement
Professional Inspector of NGLR for Western Area Previous Worshipful Master, ZAMOLXIS Lodge, no. 182, Deva
"The interior decoration of a masonic lodge comprises ornaments, accessories and insignia. The ornaments are: the mosaic on the floor – respresenting spirt and matter, the shining star and the laced edge, which remind us usually the initial of the presence of God and the second of the protective wall" – cites Charles W Leadbeater from the ritual of mixed masonry in his perform "Freemasonry – Rites and Initiations."
In the center of the Temple, on the ground, there is a rectangular floor, with black and white tiles, called the mosaic pavement (theoretically, cubes seen perspectivally), where a relgaion obtains among the sides, either two:1 (the long square) or 1.618…/1 (the golden quantity), therefore coming up with a surface proportional to the total location of the Lodge. Thus we see that virtually the moasica, placed in the center of the Lodge is a microcosmic representation of the complete of creation and is by itself a sacred central region – whence the interdiction to ever step on the mosaic when the operate of the Lodge is underway. The pavement symbolizes the indisociable operative complementarity of the two cosmic principles: the initiate need to know how no longer let himself be dominated by the confrontation in between good and unfavorable forces, to know (it is indispensable) how to use it, to master it so as to operate constructively.
In Ancient Egypt, the mosaic was by no means stepped on except by a candidate and the masters of ceremony, and only at precise moments (by the Past Worshipful Master for the fulfilment of his tasks, by the Very first Specialist when he took the light of the sacred fire, or by the sexton when he spread frankincense on the altar of the Temple. An extremely crucial aspect of the mosaic pavement is that, getting placed in the middle of the Temple, framed by the three colonettes (which represent the Worshipful Master, the Senior and Junior Wardens), need to be avoided by walking in a square, in a symbolic sense. The current of energy cross the floor, some along the length, some along the width, in lines that remind of the warp of a canvas.
Upon opening the operate, the Trestle Board is depicted on this pavement, which varies with the initial 3 degrees. The mosaic pavement signifies distinct issues according to the traditional mode of function in the lodge, or the masonic rite employed.
The French Rite specifies that the pavement adorned the threshold of the geat porch of the Temple and showed that this is one particular of the ornaments of the Lodge, becoming the emblem of the intimate union among masons. Here it was explained to the Apprentice that he "could not stand on the mosaic pavement to contemplate the interior of the edifice". This started above from the seventh step, as we can well conclude by an attentive study of the Trestle Boards of the very first two degrees.
The Rectified Scottish Rite speaks as well tiny of this pavement, noting that "the mosaic pavement adorns the threshold of the excellent veranda of the Temple. It covers the entry to the subterranean part of the Temple in between the two columns, to a crypt that held holy idols and especially the pledge of the alliance amongst the selected individuals and the Creator: the Royal Ark (Ark of the Covenant).
The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite does not describe in any way this ornament. As to the decoration of the Lodge, it is said however "the floor of the lodge is the pavement in option black and white squares. When it is as a result decorated, a pavement is achieved wit the shape of a extended square, placed in the center of the Lodge, decorated on the model of the latter".
The York Rite affirms that "the mosaic pavement represents the floor of the Temple of Solomon", possessing the added laced edge. It is apparent sufficient that it is about a symbolic contribution in what regards the floor of the Lodge, due to the fact in the Bible the floor of the Temple isn’t described as an series of black and white squares: "and the floor of the Temple was created from cypress planks" (3 Kings six:15).
Whereas in the Emulation Rite (the Anglo-Saxon Rites are a lot more precise in their descriptions) specifies that "the mosaic pavement may possibly rightly be regarded the wondrous tiling of a freemason Lodge due to its diversity and regularity. Hence the diversity of beings and objects in the globe surfaces, as nicely the ensouled ones as those that are not". In the complementary course of the Rite of Emulation (in the fifth portion) it is specified: "our lodge is adorned with mosaic pavement to mark the uncertainty of all terrestrial vanities… as we step on this mosaic, our thought have to return to the original notion that we imitate and act as honorable guys and masons". Mosaic pavement is presented as an image of faith, harmony, understanding..
Outside the definitions offered by distinct masonic rites, the mosaic pavement may be approached beneath a lot of aspect, two of which appear edifying to us:
• The floor of the Lodge,
• The route of squares for the tracing of planes,
When we approach the mosaic pavement as floor of the Lodge, we are forced to distinguish between the pavement of operative and speculative Lodges.
In the initial case, we specify that Lodges were typically annexes to the building web site, attached to the building on the Southern side of the Function (to get far more light and to have the wall of the edifice for protection. It is incredibly clear and evident that in this case no floor was imposed (nor would any be functional). The tiling that constitutes the mosaic is fragile in contradiction with the dimensions (weight) of the tools of freemasons (sledgehammers had been very heavy). If we are speaking about a surface for permanent cutting and polishing of rock, we can simply picture that the floor of such a location was permanently covered by fragments, remains, abrasive dust. Not in the last place, we have to note the truth that mosaic was principally fixed in especially ready mortar in which styles had been 1st marked that etched the image or drawing that was the objective of the mosaic.
In the other method, that of the speculative Lodges, a symbolic rug laid in squares might be laid on the floor, or it might be construct from alternating black and white tiles, the choice being that of the Lodge. The notionc of mosaic pavement can not be discussed ahead of the appearance of Grand Lodges.
As a route of squares – as network of right angles – to trace planes is another mode of approach certain to operative lodges, which have to distinguish:
A directory route of the edifice that need to be understood soon after we describe the Medieval constructin site at the starting of the operate: on a leveled and cleared surface (treated with charcoal), a scheme of the main lines of the edifice was traced with the support of a rope covered in chalk. There
are documents to this effect that attest the describe practice, which reminds of certain answers from the masonic catechism. To the query: "how do you serve your Master?", there is the answer: "with charcoal, chalk and clay".
A technical help set of squares would be yet another variant of this strategy. An amenably arranged surface, spread in typical squares by means of lines traced for inumerable utilizes, the first and most critical becoming that of assembly table. It also served to establish easily a series of angles, in an approximate way that was adequate for a mason (taking 4 divisions on a line, and on the perpendicular seven at one particular extremity, a reasaonbly 60° angle is obtained). In fact, we can picture the banal math copybook paper that has helped us trace with far more facility (and far more precision) the geometrical shapes that tortured (or didn’t) us in the geometry problems in elementary college.
The black and white, chessboard-like pavement is therefore the mosaic pavement. In what pertains to the term "mosaic", there are two different opinions, one particular refering to Moses and 1 to the method of decoration. Each college has its pros and cons, a lot more or less logical and valid.
"The canvas of ours lives is a mixed thread, the very good collectively with the undesirable" wrote Shakespeare. Something is characterized by a combination of good and poor, light and shadow, joy and sadness, good and unfavorable, yin and yang. What is excellent for me might be poor for you, pleasure is generated by pain, etc.
Following the thread of the existing Paper, we may possibly say with certainty that the mosaic is not mart of the elements of Judaic architecture and that the mosaic pavement is a contribution of modern speculative Masonry, operative lodges never ever obtaining been squared this way. It is apparent that the present exposition is not and does not wish to be an exhaustive function. It is a somewhat complicated approach of an essential symbol in the decoration of the masonic Temple and it wishes in fact to the a paper addressing an open query:
- The mosaic pavement is the floor of the Lodge (as the rituals take into account it) or is it the space restricted by the three pillars Energy, Wisdom, and Beauty?
A very good believed accompanied by the triple brotherly accolade!
Copyright Forum Masonic
Masonic Altar – A place of sacrifice or worship.
Of what value is the Altar to the Lodge? The Altar is undoubtedly the most critical piece of furnishings in the Lodge. In all of the religions of antiquity, it was the usage of the priests and the folks, to pass about the Altar in the course of the sun, that is to say, from the east, by way of the south, to the west, singing hymns of praise to Deity as portion of their worship. See ("Great Paschal Hallel,") or hymn of praise, consisting of Psalms (113 to 118). The most crucial report of furnishings in a Lodge room is the altar, on which rests a copy of the Holy Bible open at an suitable passage and recognized as the principal light of Masonry. Ahead of this altar the candidate for the mysteries of Masonry bows in prayer symbolically, he offers up to God the incense of praise, lays on the altar the passions of his heart, and dedicates to God and to the service of Freemasonry his affections and faculties. The presence of the altar in the center of the Lodge space serves as a continual reminder of the religious character and objective of all Masonic rites and ceremonies. An Illustration of a Masonic Altar.