Some cool internal cylindrical grinding pictures:
Sherborne Old Castle – The Claire-Voire

Image by ell brown
The Estate of Sherborne Castle – grounds and gardens.
The location of the garden walk that goes previous Sherborne Old Castle.
This is Sherborne Old Castle. Built by Bishop Roger of Salisbury among 1122 and 1139.
Sir Walter Raleigh bought the castle in 1592, and tried to modernize it. But by 1594 he gave up and alternatively started to create his own home nearby.
The Digby’s got Sherborne Castle (each old and new) in 1617 when Sir John Digby acquired it.
For the duration of the Civil War, the Digby’s had been on the Royalist side, and the Old Castle was garrisoned and suffered two sieges. Following the second siege in 1645 Fairfax and his Parliamentarian army systematically demolished the Old Castle. Therefore Sherborne Castle right after that came to mean the new hous in the park.
This is the The Claire-Voire.
At the finish of the 18th century the Digby family members produced this view point of the Claire-Voire.
Grade I listed.
Sherborne Old Castle, Castleton
12/26 Sherborne Old Castle
Episcopal castle with curtain-wall and gatetowers. Constructed by Roger, bishop
of Salisbury 1107-1135. Restoration begun by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1592,
and soon abandoned. Castle partly demolished and rendered untenable, 1645.
Rubble-stone walls, with close-jointed ashlar facing and freestone dressings.
Curtain wall and gatetowers. Curtain-wall enclosed an region 470 ft by 330 ft
with diagonal walls across the angles, forming an elongated octagon. Walling
stands either side of the SW gatetower,in locations on the north, south and east
walls. SW gatehouse, C12, four storeys with a battered plinth and clasping
buttresses. NW angle stands to complete height, S side is more ruined. W face,
facing of the outer archway has gone and only the segmental rear-arch remains.
C16 restorations and alterations beneath Raleigh. (See RCHM). Present approach
to gate, C20. Abutments and central pier revealed by excavations. NW Tower,
foundations only. North gate and barbican, revealed by excavation, C12 and
C13. Flanking the C13 buildings are the remains of wing-performs with circular
turrets at the outer angles. NE gate, foundations and some walling. SE tower,
web site only. Preserve and attached courtyard of buildings at the centre of the
bailey. Maintain. C12, of at least three stages. Ground floor has a dividing wall
operating N and S., and supporting two barrel-vaults. These barrels run on
into groined vaults, supported by a cylindrical column with a scalloped capital.
South wall of the extension has externally a central buttress of segmental form.
SW angle of the preserve adjoins the S wall of the forebuilding, which stands to
the prime of the third stage. The forebuilding has clasping buttresses at the
west angles. Late C16 stone staircase and terrace against north wall of
forebuilding. 3 ranges of buildings, and an excavated S range stand round
a central courtyard, originally with cloister-walks. W Ranges running N from
Maintain, W wall has pilaster buttresses and a moulded string-course. E wall of
this variety largely destroyed. Rubble (tufa) barrel vault. N variety, two storeys,
4 bays, with clasping and pilaster buttresses externally. Ground-floors groined
rubble vault more than three E bays and barrel-vault over W bay. N wall has remains of
former windows and openings upper floor round-headed windows decorated with
chevron, and label with billet. Internal wall-arcading of intersecting arches,
of which traces stay. Floor may have housed the chapel. East variety, considerably
ruined. East hall has pilaster buttresses and an original window in each of
the three bays. Ground floor has a rubble barrel-vault of which the springing
remains. S variety, foundations located of N and S walls, possibly housed the
excellent Hall. The castle was held for the Crown in 1642 and 1645.
(RCHM Dorset I, p.64(four))(Sch. Monument: DORSET.two)
Listing NGR: ST6480316768
Protected by English Heritage.
Sherborne Old Castle

Image by ell brown
The Estate of Sherborne Castle – grounds and gardens.
The region of the garden walk that goes past Sherborne Old Castle.
This is Sherborne Old Castle. Constructed by Bishop Roger of Salisbury amongst 1122 and 1139.
Sir Walter Raleigh bought the castle in 1592, and tried to modernize it. But by 1594 he gave up and as an alternative started to develop his own residence nearby.
The Digby’s got Sherborne Castle (both old and new) in 1617 when Sir John Digby acquired it.
Throughout the Civil War, the Digby’s had been on the Royalist side, and the Old Castle was garrisoned and suffered two sieges. After the second siege in 1645 Fairfax and his Parliamentarian army systematically demolished the Old Castle. Hence Sherborne Castle soon after that came to imply the new hous in the park.
Walking previous the boundary wall in between the old castle grounds and the garden walk of the new 1.
Grade I listed.
Sherborne Old Castle, Castleton
12/26 Sherborne Old Castle
Episcopal castle with curtain-wall and gatetowers. Constructed by Roger, bishop
of Salisbury 1107-1135. Restoration begun by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1592,
and soon abandoned. Castle partly demolished and rendered untenable, 1645.
Rubble-stone walls, with close-jointed ashlar facing and freestone dressings.
Curtain wall and gatetowers. Curtain-wall enclosed an area 470 ft by 330 ft
with diagonal walls across the angles, forming an elongated octagon. Walling
stands either side of the SW gatetower,in places on the north, south and east
walls. SW gatehouse, C12, 4 storeys with a battered plinth and clasping
buttresses. NW angle stands to complete height, S side is far more ruined. W face,
facing of the outer archway has gone and only the segmental rear-arch remains.
C16 restorations and alterations below Raleigh. (See RCHM). Present method
to gate, C20. Abutments and central pier revealed by excavations. NW Tower,
foundations only. North gate and barbican, revealed by excavation, C12 and
C13. Flanking the C13 buildings are the remains of wing-performs with circular
turrets at the outer angles. NE gate, foundations and some walling. SE tower,
website only. Hold and attached courtyard of buildings at the centre of the
bailey. Keep. C12, of at least three stages. Ground floor has a dividing wall
running N and S., and supporting two barrel-vaults. These barrels run on
into groined vaults, supported by a cylindrical column with a scalloped capital.
South wall of the extension has externally a central buttress of segmental form.
SW angle of the maintain adjoins the S wall of the forebuilding, which stands to
the leading of the third stage. The forebuilding has clasping buttresses at the
west angles. Late C16 stone staircase and terrace against north wall of
forebuilding. 3 ranges of buildings, and an excavated S variety stand round
a central courtyard, initially with cloister-walks. W Ranges running N from
Maintain, W wall has pilaster buttresses and a moulded string-course. E wall of
this variety largely destroyed. Rubble (tufa) barrel vault. N variety, two storeys,
4 bays, with clasping and pilaster buttresses externally. Ground-floors groined
rubble vault over 3 E bays and barrel-vault over W bay. N wall has remains of
former windows and openings upper floor round-headed windows decorated with
chevron, and label with billet. Internal wall-arcading of intersecting arches,
of which traces remain. Floor might have housed the chapel. East variety, significantly
ruined. East hall has pilaster buttresses and an original window in every of
the three bays. Ground floor has a rubble barrel-vault of which the springing
remains. S variety, foundations found of N and S walls, probably housed the
wonderful Hall. The castle was held for the Crown in 1642 and 1645.
(RCHM Dorset I, p.64(four))(Sch. Monument: DORSET.two)
Listing NGR: ST6480316768
Protected by English Heritage.
Sherborne Old Castle

Image by ell brown
The Estate of Sherborne Castle – grounds and gardens.
The area of the garden walk that goes past Sherborne Old Castle.
This is Sherborne Old Castle. Constructed by Bishop Roger of Salisbury between 1122 and 1139.
Sir Walter Raleigh bought the castle in 1592, and tried to modernize it. But by 1594 he gave up and rather began to create his personal property nearby.
The Digby’s got Sherborne Castle (each old and new) in 1617 when Sir John Digby acquired it.
Throughout the Civil War, the Digby’s were on the Royalist side, and the Old Castle was garrisoned and suffered two sieges. Right after the second siege in 1645 Fairfax and his Parliamentarian army systematically demolished the Old Castle. Hence Sherborne Castle after that came to imply the new hous in the park.
Walking past the boundary wall in between the old castle grounds and the garden stroll of the new one particular.
Grade I listed.
Sherborne Old Castle, Castleton
12/26 Sherborne Old Castle
Episcopal castle with curtain-wall and gatetowers. Constructed by Roger, bishop
of Salisbury 1107-1135. Restoration begun by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1592,
and quickly abandoned. Castle partly demolished and rendered untenable, 1645.
Rubble-stone walls, with close-jointed ashlar facing and freestone dressings.
Curtain wall and gatetowers. Curtain-wall enclosed an region 470 ft by 330 ft
with diagonal walls across the angles, forming an elongated octagon. Walling
stands either side of the SW gatetower,in locations on the north, south and east
walls. SW gatehouse, C12, 4 storeys with a battered plinth and clasping
buttresses. NW angle stands to complete height, S side is far more ruined. W face,
facing of the outer archway has gone and only the segmental rear-arch remains.
C16 restorations and alterations below Raleigh. (See RCHM). Present strategy
to gate, C20. Abutments and central pier revealed by excavations. NW Tower,
foundations only. North gate and barbican, revealed by excavation, C12 and
C13. Flanking the C13 buildings are the remains of wing-operates with circular
turrets at the outer angles. NE gate, foundations and some walling. SE tower,
site only. Preserve and attached courtyard of buildings at the centre of the
bailey. Keep. C12, of at least 3 stages. Ground floor has a dividing wall
operating N and S., and supporting two barrel-vaults. These barrels run on
into groined vaults, supported by a cylindrical column with a scalloped capital.
South wall of the extension has externally a central buttress of segmental kind.
SW angle of the hold adjoins the S wall of the forebuilding, which stands to
the prime of the third stage. The forebuilding has clasping buttresses at the
west angles. Late C16 stone staircase and terrace against north wall of
forebuilding. three ranges of buildings, and an excavated S variety stand round
a central courtyard, originally with cloister-walks. W Ranges running N from
Keep, W wall has pilaster buttresses and a moulded string-course. E wall of
this range largely destroyed. Rubble (tufa) barrel vault. N variety, two storeys,
four bays, with clasping and pilaster buttresses externally. Ground-floors groined
rubble vault over 3 E bays and barrel-vault more than W bay. N wall has remains of
former windows and openings upper floor round-headed windows decorated with
chevron, and label with billet. Internal wall-arcading of intersecting arches,
of which traces stay. Floor might have housed the chapel. East variety, a lot
ruined. East hall has pilaster buttresses and an original window in every single of
the 3 bays. Ground floor has a rubble barrel-vault of which the springing
remains. S variety, foundations discovered of N and S walls, most likely housed the
great Hall. The castle was held for the Crown in 1642 and 1645.
(RCHM Dorset I, p.64(4))(Sch. Monument: DORSET.2)
Listing NGR: ST6480316768
Protected by English Heritage.