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Machine Room
Image by tj.blackwell
A fantastically chaotic mess of rusting iron can be found in the mill’s old machine room, which is still populated with all manner of industrial implements from a former age. Around the fringe a grid of shelves and cupboards overflow with miscellaneous springs, sprockets, nuts, bolts and other metallic paraphernalia. The rest of the space is taken up with work benches alongside lathes, drills, clamps, vices and a variety of belt-driven units. This small room would have been, in some respects, the beating heart of the mill: continuously manufacturing bespoke replacement parts for the looms and other equipment on the spinning floors.
Image by _maara
Image from page 6 of “Scientific American Volume 85 Number 01 (July 1901)” (1901)
Image by Internet Archive Book Images
Identifier: scientific-american-1901-07-06
Title: Scientific American Volume 85 Number 01 (July 1901)
Year: 1901 (1900s)
Subjects: gas railroad munn cents steam manufacturers american electric scientific american natural gas sheet metal sewing machine ten cents american supplement long island soft coal cubic feet bituminous coal
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price.Its production ranges over a wide extent of country,though few sections of it make the apple their chiefreliance for support. Prof. Dewar, in a recent lecture before the Roya.1Society, reduced hydrogen to a solid and announcedthat a temperature had been produced which waseight or ten degrees lower than this, or within ninedegrees of the absolute zero. He is sanguine of suc-cess in the liquefaction of helium. Another gas mustbe found even more volatile than helium in order toreach within one degree of absolute zero. July 6, 1901. A STABTING-SEVICE FOB HTDBOCABBON HOTOBS. Mechanical devices for starting hydrocarbon motorshave been Invented, but have never been widely usedfor the reason that they are too often expensive, cum-bersome, and Inefficient. The chauffeur has thereforedecided to retain the customary hand-wheel, by theturning of which he finally succeeds in Inducing thegasoline motor of his automobile to start. A mechan-ical starter of Uflusual simplicity has, however, been
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A STABTINO-DEVICE FOB HTDBOCABBON UOTOBS. invented by Dr. Z. S. Taylor, of 29 West 126th Street,Manhattan, New York city, that seems to be freefrom the faults which marked the old contrivances andwhich shows an intelligent endeavor to overcome hith-erto apparently Insurmountable difficulties. On thedriving shaft of his engine Dr. Taylor loosely mountsa pinion, meshing with a rack, C, controlled by a coil-spring, O. The pinion can be locked to the shaft bymeans of a spring-pressed pawl designed to engage anotch In the shaft. Normally the pawl Is held out ofengagement with the shaft-notches by a pin on therack. Near its middle the rack carries a pivoted spring-pressed catch, D, designed to engage the hooked end ofa rod, F, secured to the piston. To throw the catch, D,into the path of the rod, F, a cam, E, is employed. The outer end of the rack, (7, is also hooked to engagea spring-pressed catch, B, operated by the lever, A. In order to start the engine, the lever. A, Is swungover to wit
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