Image from page 376 of “Railway mechanical engineer” (1916)

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Identifier: railwaymechanica93newy
Title: Railway mechanical engineer
Year: 1916 (1910s)
Subjects: Railroad engineering Engineering Railroads Railroad automobiles
Publisher: New York, N.Y. : Simmons-Boardman Pub. Co
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ustablebronze bearings and carries a wheel 4 in. in diameter, 54in., face with a ^-in. hole. The bracket carrying the motorand wheel spindle is mounted on a vertical housing and isadjusted by a screw provided with a micrometer dial. Arbors for holding the perform are held in a sleeve whichrevolves freely in the operate holding posts. 4 posts arefurnished with No. 9 and No. 7 Brown & Sharpe tapers,1 with a J/2-in. straight hole and a single flat block for hold-ing flat tools, in order to cover all classes of work capableof getting accomplished on the machine. The posts match into 3 T-slots in the upper compound slide, therefore offering for awide range of function. The two upper slides are employed tobring the perform in the proper sweep across the face of thewheel, and are in turn mounted on a swivel block, which ispivoted to the bottom slide. The maximum radius that can be ground is three in. oneither concave or convex cutters up to 12 in. in diameter.A gage is furnished to set the operate in the suitable relation to
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Motor Driven Profile Grinder the wheel and when the slide is set for any offered radius themachine will always grind that radius regardless of the con-tinued adjustment of the two upper slides. A simple and jdS RAILWAY MECHANICAL EXGIXEER nL. 93, No. six hassle-free tooth rest is furnished with range enough to cover are accurately scraped and provided with gibs for taking upall function within the capacity of the machine. All scews the wear. The machine occupies a bench space of 24 in.are offered with readable micrometer dials and the slides by .50 in. and weighs 217 lb. A Higher Energy Numerous SPINDLE DRILL THE numerous spindle drill shown in the illustrationis a heavy service production tool specially intendedfor use in locomotive and railway shops and willbe identified helpful exactly where the work includes heavy gang drillingor heavy jig drilling. When utilised on jig perform tlie compact-ness of this drill enables 1 operator to hold a greaternumber of spindles—either singly or in groups—continuallyin
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Please note that these pictures are extracted from scanned page photos that may have been digitally enhanced for readability – coloration and look of these illustrations may possibly not completely resemble the original function.
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